Anonymous ID: 793de5 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3646562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6657 >>6719 >>6893 >>7060 >>7077 >>7092 >>7115

Tell me honestly anons


Did you ever imagine youd live in a timeline where the terminator movie is real?

Alphabet, Twatter, IG, all social media, all news sources in place of a singular AI.

A cabal bent on destroying the human race if it was incapable of enslaving them.

Time travel, and robots. Armageddon.


And Trump is a real world John Connor. We are T1000. Previously, our powers were not necessarily focused on good, but we were changed and the success of our POTUS became our new mission.


We are the unstoppable Pepe-1000. The P1000.


We have many enemies with unimaginable power. Over confident and arrogant, they believed we were beaten.


And yet, we win. There will be no nuclear holocaust.


Put your faith in God.

Put your trust in Trump.

And work together so we all can escape the nightmare they wish to visit upon us.


You see it every day, the darkness creeping in every other nation around the world.


We are the bringers of light. We are the diggers in the night. And we are relentless.


Godbless POTUS and family. God bless Q and team. God bless the military and the people in our government fighting the good fight.


And god bless you anon. Yes you, the one taking the time to read this. Im praying for you. Im praying for you to have the strength to keep up the fight. We are with you. From around the globe, we are with you. We will never leave you, and we will never fail you.

Love you all (no homo)