Morning anons…
Should we re-post drops from last year? Maybe in batter?
Morning anons…
Should we re-post drops from last year? Maybe in batter?
>Saudi Israelia
Or khazaria….
Do believe we will end babylonian money magic soon! Doubtful quite this way….
They might have lost, but they certainly claimed to be agents representing the bond holders….just because they lost this court case does not mean the bonds do not exist…juts sayin'…to me this legitimizes the existence of these bonds…
I pay VERY close attention to this. To me extremely oppressive to have these CHOADS spray us…
It has slowed way down since the takedown on the National Solar Observatories…but has not stopped.
We used to have daily spraying here…maybe 3 days a month with NO spraying…since NSO takedown we maybe have spraying once or twice a week…
Spraying has to be a UN program and we have had to have agreed to it somehow…overflight of Sovereign nation not allowed without permissions…
Go and report back! Post in am!
>Kristi Clemens Rogers
Anyone with an IMDB profile is either an actor or a huge famefag…anyone dig on her family yet?
Witches run in bloodlines and always the women…
Every planet is changing radically…check mercury, or venus! there are "power" points on planets at 19.5 and 33 degrees latitude…these are where volcanic activity and earthquakes are most likely in coming months…
Hawaii (right at 19.5) is a harbinger…
>The IPS is tested JPL/NASA science. The gemini mission flew on the IPS.
Gemini never left earth orbit…how could it have flown interplanetary?
You missed the CFNME is the first tweet…
"CF" "N" "ME" "PA"?? Clinton foundation in Maine and Pennsylvania?