Anonymous ID: 518559 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.3649644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9660 >>0239

You dont think Qresearch was the first time Original Q tried to influence society?


Would Military Intelligence Brainstorm a way to defeat our oppressors? Would they create a PLAN? Would it be bigger than we could imagine?When Military Intelligence came up with a working plan would they feel the need to make a secret declaration of war against the cabal? Would they use Film to portray the things in life these men found important?


Well they did. Watch "Brainstorm" and see what Original Q found important.


The plot is two different levels of storytelling. One is the straight forward plot. The other is the esoteric. God, Arch Angel Micheal. The trinity. Life after death. Living for something other than work. Men and Women finally working together and not in conflict.


Very ambitious. Very important.


Watch it and if you have learned enough this last year on Q. If you have learned enough esoteria you will see everything they wanted you to know.


A spoiler. We win…..and we go to the Stars.

Anonymous ID: 518559 Oct. 29, 2018, 3:03 a.m. No.3649669   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sure but how can I explain that quickly? They got a group together in the 70's and Brainstormed a way forward. When they got a working plan they made the movie as a shot across the bow of the cabal. They never thought anyone would catch on. And no one did. But future proves past. With the clues of Q it all becomes obvious now.