Well, he has been in politics for 30years. What did he actually do, that makes you so certain? Really curious.
I got that info the 1st time you wrote.
Things you mentioned are a facade.
I want to know what he actually did, not how you perceive him.
So the shit-satanist-looking guys are the good ones and the good-looking guys just dont care, yes?
Is that it, yes.
starting to think ebot is one of few sane "beings".
Sorry, ebot I was wrong about you.
Fucking love your humour, too.
How did he manage to hide his "goodness" from the evil one's? I mean it says right there that he was part of the establishment that fucked up his country.
Well, that is part of the picture. You will become what you project into the world.
Huma horseface is ugly, tells a lot about you that you find her attractive.