Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.3650559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0588 >>0595 >>0860


Oh Look, Rep. Mike Rogers Wife Stands To Benefit Greatly From CISPA Passing…


It would appear that Rep. Mike Rogers, the main person in Congress pushing for CISPA, has kept rather quiet about a very direct conflict of interest that calls into serious question the entire bill. It would appear that Rogers' wife stands to benefit quite a lot from the passage of CISPA, and has helped in the push to get the bill passed. It's somewhat amazing that no one has really covered this part of the story, but it highlights, yet again, the kind of activities by folks in Congress that make the public trust Congress less and less.


It has seemed quite strange to see how strongly Rogers has been fighting for CISPA, refusing to even acknowledge the seriousness of the privacy concerns. At other times, he can't even keep his own story straight about whether or not CISPA is about giving information to the NSA (hint: it is). And then there was the recent ridiculousness with him insisting that the only opposition to CISPA came from 14-year-old kids in their basement. Wrong and insulting.


Of course, as we've noted all along, all attempts at cybersecurity legislation have always been about money. Mainly, money to big defense contractors aiming to provide the government with lots of very expensive "solutions" to the cybersecurity "problem" – a problem that still has not been adequately defined beyond fake scare stories. Just last month, Rogers accidentally tweeted (and then deleted) a story about how CISPA supporters, like himself, had received 15 times more money from pro-CISPA group that the opposition had received from anti-CISPA groups.

So it seems rather interesting to note that Rogers' wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers, was, until recently, the president and CEO of Aegis LLC a "security" defense contractor company, whom she helped to secure a $10 billion (with a b) contract with the State Department. The company describes itself as "a leading private security company, provides government and corporate clients with a full spectrum of intelligence-led, culturally-sensitive security solutions to operational and development challenges around the world."

Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.3650781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0961


We all know that but please explain why it matters if Q is a male or female, that is irrelevant unless you going to start the anything men can do women can do better bullshit, then just go write a script for pedowood

Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.3650846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0917

Historic Istanbul Summit Sees Germany, France, Turkey And Russia Agree Roadmap For Syria


Despite years of disagreements on Syria, leaders of Turkey, France, Germany, and Russia have worked out a common vision of the steps to reconciliation in the war-torn country as they met in Istanbul. Here's the summary of it.


Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who hosted the talks, was joined by Russia's Vladimir Putin and France's Emmanuel Macron, as well as Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel. Following the summit, the four leaders held a joint press conference and released a communique, highlighting what common ground they had found during the four-way talks.

Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.3650929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Despicable: Corporate media rarely informs the public when its commentators are paid shills for foreign governments


Unbelievably - Rothkopf has the audacity to criticize Trump for having "repeatedly shown great fondness for foreign leaders-even despots and known murderers, human rights abusers and criminals", while Rothkopf himself is literally a paid agent working to disseminating propaganda for one of the most repressive regimes on the planet, one that does much of the Saudis' dirty work for it in Washington. And the fact that the Daily Beast makes no disclosure of any of this is what makes this practice - having paid lobbyists and consultants for foreign regimes and corporations masquerade as objective and neutral analysts of the news - such a massive journalistic scandal and fraud.


  • From today's Intercept article: MSNBC and Daily Beast Feature UAE Lobbyist David Rothkopf With No Disclosure: a Scandalous Media-Wide Practice


Much of the American public despises mainstream corporate media, but rather than engage in some self-reflection and admit failure they just complain about Trump. It's critical we recognize that mass media in the U.S. is very much part of the very same discredited establishment it's supposed to report on, thus its response to justified criticism is likewise establishment-esque. Blame the readers, blame Trump, blame anyone but themselves.


This is why mass media's gotten even worse since Trump was elected - not an easy feat. It's been obsessed with a Russia-Trump collusion tale that appears to be going nowhere, while simultaneously cheering on Trump's worst instincts such as when he bombs Syria. Moreover, one thing the U.S. media definitely seems to have no interest in doing is disclosing when its commentators and pundits are paid shills for foreign governments, defense contractors and other unmentionable interests.


Just last week, Glenn Greenwald highlighted how The Washington Post allowed Saudi lobbyists to regularly write opinion pieces, which subsequently led the paper to force these writers to break off financial relationships with the Saudis. Today, he's back with an equally important piece about how mass media regularly invites foreign agents to discuss foreign affairs without disclosing that these individuals are in fact foreign agents.

Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.3650959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doomed Indonesian plane with 189 on board had asked to return to base


PAKISJAYA, Indonesia (Reuters) - An Indonesian aircraft with 189 people on board crashed into the sea on Monday as it tried to circle back to the capital, Jakarta, from where it had taken off minutes earlier, and there were likely no survivors, officials said.


Indonesia is one of the world’s fastest-growing aviation markets, but its safety record is patchy. If all aboard have died, the crash will be the country’s second-worst air disaster since 1997, industry experts said.


The pilot had asked to return to base (RTB) after the plane took off from Jakarta. It lost contact with ground staff after 13 minutes.

Anonymous ID: 6e5952 Oct. 29, 2018, 8:04 a.m. No.3651103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1129

And now for some thing completely different


Dumbest robbers in Belgium arrested after vape shop owner tells them to come back later for more money


A crew of would-be bandits had their heist go up in smoke… er, vapor, when they fell for a simple ruse by their intended victim in what has already been dubbed the 'worst (attempted) robbery in Belgian history.'


Stop me if you've heard this one before: a gang of youths walk into an e-cigarette shop to rob the place but the owner tells them to come back later when he has more money.


No, this isn't an awful water cooler joke, but the true story of a vaping shop owner in Charleroi, Belgium who was almost extorted by a mob of local youths. Six reportedly armed individuals entered Didier's vape shop at approximately 3pm Saturday, demanding cash and pilfering some product in the process.


"I told them clearly that 3pm is not the best time to hold up a store," Didier told RTL. "You'll take 1,000 bucks [now], but if you come back tonight you might be able to take more."


"It's like it was a comedy," Shop-owner Didier told the BBC. "They're being called the worst robbers in Belgium."

During his 14-minute ordeal, Didier attempted to befriend the surly vaping vagabonds.


"There was some pushing and shoving," Didier added. "I didn't give them a thing, but said if they came back later I would have 2 or 3,000 euros."


The police didn't believe the thieves would be stupid enough to return, but Didier insisted and sure enough, at 17:30, just before closing time an hour later, a scout from the gang came back.


"I berated them saying 'you have to buy a watch.' I said, 'it's 5:30 not 6:30,' and they left," he told RTL. Didier told him he would need the extra hour before closing to get their money together.


As the clock struck 18:30, the thieves returned, only to be met by the police, who had been lying in wait, hiding in the back of the shop.


Five men, including one minor, were arrested; the sixth would-be bandit escaped.


"They weren't the brightest," Didier concluded.