This name fag ha got to be a larp.
If real, this clown mutha fekker is just gonna get copy pasta from a muh-jew cfopy pasta bot and offer that as the answer. Whatev
Well fake news Brit faggot, I can call you that in the states because WE have a first amendment. You cucked fucks don't, so you can't even SAY fake news anymore. Mr. Hilter (no sp. joke-weak) used to ban words and phrases. Does this mean Great Britain is a Hilter worshipping cult of anti-semites? We respect our first amendment. Anyone can say what they want here, but they may get butt hurt by anon responses to their whack-nuttery.
You are begging the question here fuck face! WHAT coming Martial Law? anons have discussed it as a POSSIBILITY with respect to the deteriorating rhetoric and actions of Demorat mobs. See "1" for the explanation why "we" allow it.
You beg the question AGAIN. That question is, is there a Jewish federal government lobbying arm, and do they try to influence the federal gov't? Why yes, yes jewish/Israel lobby DO do those things. Is the influence large? Maybe, the jewish lobby does spends quite a lot on influencing the federal gov't. I'm gonna go out on limb here, give you some rope to hang yourself, but I believe Jewish people tend to be rather shrewd in the deal making business, so I logically suspect that the multiple entry points into the lobbying process that Jewish groups use is at least as valuable to them as the money spent. Probably more. Next begged question here, Can a lobbying group "control" the United States. I rather doubt that, therefore, logically Jewish lobbies can't.
This collection of words, that you think is a question, takes your question begging to a level that's known as a FUCKING SMEAR. Where in the fuck do you get off coming on anon's board and dropping that group of words, fuck face? Do you knock on strangers doors and accuse them of battering their pets and children, huh scumbag. Where in the fuck is your sauce that digging into these mutha fekkers MUST BE anti-semetic. I know, you don't have it because there isn't any, fuckwad. However, the only way #4 cannot be a smear is if it had been proven that in order to have negative feelings toward these asshats, one must NECESSARILY be anti-semetic. But I hae already shown that is not the case. So it's a deliberate smear. fuck off asshole.