If you are daily mail. You are still daily fail. The list of questions are loaded and show a predisposition. First, 90% of the shit posted here is done by people/entities/organizations that want to discredit this movement.
1.) Qanon does not support anti-semitism in my opinion, but I personally recognize a relationship with swamp in america and israeli elites. It has nothing to do with judaism except that israel is primarily jewish. Why not call it anti-christian? cause a bunch of them are on our shit list too.
2.) once again focusing on jewish populations
3.) israel has a major influence on US politics, well documented. again, nothing to do with religion, it has to do with a country that happens to be primarily jewish, just like america happens to be primarily christian.
4.) again, it has nothing to do with the jewish faith, but yes, I do believe they are trying to destroy america in the name of globalism and "good for all", but they are fucking up alot of shit trying to be the saviors of humanity or something.
I am not a moderator, nor do i speak for the whole, only myself. Maybe a new list of questions would generate more appropriate answers?