Pics related
>>3650711 (pb)
Something is going to happen, but not before the midterms. Unfortunately, it isn’t good but is directly attributable to Q, Q posts and “The Plan.”
Funny to see @RealDonaldTrump tweeting and attributing anger to, “inaccurate and even fraudulent” [information] while Q and the plan screwed Americans with inaccurate and even fraudulent information. But, as usual, the rules are different for different people.
Couldn’t help but notice the bread title giving props to Q (for a year of lying and screwing lives). Thus, given the standard bell curve perpetually seen in statistics and life, such a claim also requires that the other end of the spectrum be acknowledged in the same manner, namely, recognizing the people that Q, The Plan And Trump fucked over with the lies, incompetence and failure to provide back up plans for such situations.
Before any anons jump on this message specifically directed to Q et. al. and decide to reply, please re-read breadcrumbs and consider the following verifiable information.
Indeed as can be seen (given the ability to sort, find, focus and understand) in the Q posts and replies, Q confirmed specific situations then did not change the acknowledgement nor provide additional information after claims were not as indicated, which, over the course of events has led to screwing of Americans, aka, Trump/Q supporters.
At the time Q et. al. were notified of respective issue(s), no response was provided and no resolution ….aka, back up plan options were offered, therefore, proof that Q is both a liar AND incompetent. If this was the best plan by the military officers and strategists, the responsible individual(s) should be held to account.
Any anons who do not understand this post that has been carefully written to protect the innocent and the screwed from Doxing and more/further problems, etc., please note, in addition to not being directed at you, either you don’t have the ability to find the applicable information and/or you do not have NTK and may/can disregard, ignore or, as so many like to post to show their own importance and significance, “filtered.”
This won’t look good in 20/20, Q.