Anonymous ID: 63f68e Oct. 29, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.3653355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A real reporter would provide proof, but I'll bite


1) Your question is intrinsically biased. Israel is a sovereign nation, just like the UK. Sometimes their goals and agendas over lap and the US works with them, just like with the UK. And sometimes not. Being against given Israeli policies does do not make it anti semetic anymore than disagreeing with the UK would make you anglo-phobic. What does "for last" mean. I have no idea. anywhere from a stern BTFO to cutting aid. In light of MI6's Steele file and attempted election interference, a conversation the UK is due


2) No one expects, or wants martial law. LEO and EO are all that is being asked for. The net will be for those indicted for crimes by a legally empowered grand jury. race and religion has nothing to do with it. If a stronger presence is needed, it will be to put down rampaging leftists


3) America is enormous. no one person or group controls anything, but special interest groups, including certain religious groups, have far too much influence over US policy. It must be ended. a complete overall of election campaign methods and funding is needed


4) Another intrinsically biased and intentionally trick question. Soros is a criminal, convicted by France for fraud. By his own admission, he was a nazi collaborator. He has backed a dozen color revolutions resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands or more. His actions backing subversive groups inside of the US, and consorting with foreign powers against the US makes him a guilty of treason and sedition. anti-semitism is just a cover for him to hide behind. His actions no more indict an entire race/religion, than does the actions of any common criminal condemn society at large. Bronfman is apparently guilty of human trafficking, kidnapping, sexual assault. She is a criminal suspect who will be given her day in court and the jury will decide. Her religion, or lack there of, is of no consequence.


I'll be holding my breath waiting for your unbiased article/ NOT. but JIC you have the guts, here is a taste of what kind of man soros is. a video that probably not even allowed in the UK. God Bless the USA and its 1st Amendment

