Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.3652699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2776 >>2804 >>3082 >>3283

Dem Gubernatorial Candidate Won’t Explain Past Assault Arrest


Democratic gubernatorial nominee James Smith was arrested for simple assault and trespassing in 2000.

The South Carolina candidate declined to explain the situation.

Smith also used his status as a disabled veteran to open a business that received millions of dollars in federal contracts reserved for veterans.


South Carolina’s Democratic nominee for governor, James Smith, was arrested for simple assault and trespassing in 2000 under circumstances he declined to explain.


Records obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show that on Aug. 31, 2000, Smith was arrested in Columbia, South Carolina, at 1720 Main Street Suite 304, a lawyer’s office. Smith was 32 years old at the time.


“It was dismissed because the accusation was completely, 100 percent false. … It was so obviously false that the judge ordered all records of the case to be expunged,” campaign spokesman Brad Warthen told TheDCNF.


He would not say who the complainant was or why he or she made a false allegation. He also would not say what the basis for the trespassing was.


After TheDCNF inquired about the arrest, a local blog reported the story, noting that TheDCNF appeared “poised to publish a story.” It also said that it and other local outlets originally decided to pass on reporting the story because of the expungement.


That local blog quoted anonymous sources, saying that Smith accompanied a process server to serve a witness in a case with a subpoena, and the witness, a female, became angry and filed a false complaint.


However, Warthen declined to go on the record saying whether that was true.


Richard A. Harpootlian, whose law firm was based at the address listed on the warrant, did not return a request for comment seeking details or records about the incident. He is also a former chairman of the state Democratic Party.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3652710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2727

Merkel will not seek new term as chancellor & CDU chair as party faces support slump


Angela Merkel has said she will not seek re-election as Germany's chancellor as well as CDU's party chair. The decision comes after a debacle for her ruling party in the local elections in the federal state of Hesse.


On Sunday, Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) received 28 percent of the votes. Although that was more support than other competitors received, it was a significant drop from the 38.3 percent won by the party in the state's last election in 2013.


However, Merkel claimed that her decision not to run for party chair again was made before the plebiscite and even before German parliament’s summer recess. Party chair aside, the top politician also would not be available for another term as a chancellor.


This fourth term is my last as German chancellor. At the federal election in 2021, I will not stand again as chancellor candidate, nor as a candidate for the Bundestag, and…I won't seek any further political offices.


What's more, if snap elections need to take place before 2021, Merkel would not run for the top post either.


She also stated that the government has "lost credibility."


A decision not to head for re-election as chief of the CDU and to not ditch the chancellorship “looks like a plan” that has been carefully devised, German lawyer Maximilian Krah told RT.


Merkel's favored person to take over as party boss is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. If she gets in, Merkel will “have a clone of herself as a party leader so she can remain in the chancellor's office… she could stay in power for the next five or six years!”


However, if a Merkel critic takes center stage as party leader, there will be a different outcome. But even if that were the case, the CDU is unlikely to publicly turn on its current leader, as it is “very submissive” towards the chancellor.


“It would give a development against Merkel, but not a revolution. The CDU is not a party that makes revolutions. In no way.”


As the CDU experiences losses in support, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is seeing a rise in popularity. It received 12 percent of the votes in Hesse on Sunday, and now holds parliamentary seats in every single German state.


Speaking to RT following the Hesse elections, independent political observer Steven Meissner said that Merkel “is getting weaker and weaker and more unpopular.” That brings her team more problems than benefits, he alleged.


Merkel's popularity has indeed been slipping for a long time, with her handling of the 2015 migrant crisis being a major contributing factor. A July poll found that only one in five Germans were happy with her performance as leader.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3652739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2763

Women's March Holds 'Vigil' To Oppose Anti-Semitism – Led By Linda Sarsour


At least three of the Women's March leaders embrace anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, and they aren't apologizing for it.


The Women's March, whose leaders have openly embraced anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, tried to lead the "resistance" in opposition to President Donald Trump in the wake of the Pennsylvania synagogue shooting Sunday, holding a "vigil" outside the White House to protest anti-Semitism.


There was just one problem: it was led by noted supporter of anti-Semite Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (and likely anti-Semite, herself), Linda Sarsour.


"Today we are turning our grief to action with @jewishaction," the Women's March Tweeted, "to send a clear message that these anti-semitic and xenophobic attacks can never happen again."


Today we are turning our grief to action with @jewishaction to send a clear message that these anti-semitic and xenophobic attacks can never happen again.

If you’re not in DC, tune in around 3pm to our Facebook page to watch and share the livestream.

— Women's March (@womensmarch) October 28, 2018


Notice the conflagration of terms, associating "anti-Semitism," with "xenophobia," in an effort to connect violence explicitly against the Jewish people with a broader campaign against opponents of unfettered immigration because it'll become important later.


The Women's March followed that Tweet up, though, with a photo of Linda Sarsour addressing the crowd - unironically.


We’ve gathered outside the @WhiteHouse with @jewishaction and communities of faith to echo the call: #WeWillOutliveThem.


Tune into the livestream here:

— Women's March (@womensmarch) October 28, 2018


Jewish Action is the same organization that today called on President Trump to stay away from any memorial for victims of the Pittsburgh shooting until he denounced white supremacy.


Sarsour, and fellow Women's March leaders Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez are, of course, friends with arguably the nation's foremost anti-Semite, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who regularly delivers anti-Jewish messages from the pulpit of his mosque in Chicago, and, just last week, referred to Jews as "termites" who require extermination.


The Women's March, of course, hasn't denounced Farrakhan, nor has it forced its own leaders, who led a march against anti-Semitism yesterday to denounce Farrakhan and distance themselves from his rhetoric.


Actually, it's just the opposite. The best the March could offer was a tepid statement of values: "Minister Farrakhan’s statements about Jewish, queer, and trans people are not aligned with the Women’s March Unity Principles.”

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3652759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2779 >>2932 >>3024 >>3036

Hollywood exec mocks Trump, God in public prayer to ‘make thy presence known’ on Election Day


Hollywood television executive Chuck Lorre hit out at President Donald Trump in a mock prayer that was debuted in recent “Big Bang Theory” credits.


Lorre, who is the creator behind hit shows like “The Big Bang Theory” and “Two and a Half Men,” has been vocal in the past about his disdain for the Republican president.

What was in this ‘prayer?’


The “prayer” — which was placed on what the industry calls a “vanity card” — appeared between the closing credits and the Warner Bros. logo during the Oct. 25 episode of “The Big Bang Theory.”


While the prayer doesn’t specifically mention the president by name, it alludes to him through various rhetoric.


The “prayer” requests that God makes “[His] presence known” on Nov. 6 — which is Election Day.


It reads:


God, (I call you that even though I suspect thou art well beyond names and words and might actually be some sort of ineffable quantum situation), I humbly beseech thee to make thy presence known on November 6th. Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths. Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering, demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater is what we need right now, then, you know, thy will be done. But if thou art inclined to more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more of the good stuff thou hath been promoting in our hearts or our parietal lobes – either one, doesn’t really matter – I submissively ask that thy encourage voter turnout in that general direction. Also God, please help Bob Mueller. Guide him and make him strong, brave, wise and true. And yes, I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side. Amen. Oh, almost forgot, remind those who collaborate with the darkness that thou art the light, and the light is not above whipping out a little Old Testament wrath. Amen again.


Anything else?


Lorre has taken aim several other times in other vanity cards over the years.


In 2016’s vanity card 541, Lorre mocked Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.


He wrote:


Don’t be fooled. Big Daddy can’t save us. Our salvation lies within ourselves. Within our own ingenuity and determined effort. “Make America great again” is a bumper sticker for victimhood. But we are not victims. We are the creators of opportunity. Sure the system’s rigged. It always has been. So what?! We are a nation of immigrants who have consistently ignored the rigging. You won’t let us join your club? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own club. You won’t let us go to your school? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own school. You won’t let us earn money your way? %#&@ you, we’ll earn it our way. You won’t give us a chance here? %#&@ you, we will go elsewhere. You want to know what makes America great? I got two words for you.


In a 2017 vanity card, Lorre mocked a fake executive order “signed” by the president, in which Trump denounced himself as supreme leader of “fake news.”

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3652770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2781 >>2783 >>2819 >>2840 >>2850 >>2866 >>2928 >>2936 >>2941 >>2999 >>3117 >>3145 >>3283

Secret Service Calls Out New York Times’ Trump Assassination Porn



The United States Secret Service may not have a perfect reputation, but there’s one thing the agency won’t tolerate: Being a part of an assassination attempt against the President of the United States, even in a work of fiction.


A spokesperson for the Secret Service told Fox News on Friday that a fictional account of President Donald Trump’s assassination, which appeared in The New York Times, was “outrageous.”


“While we understand this is a work of fiction, the insinuation that the U.S. Secret Service would participate in the assassination of a president is outrageous and an insult to the men and women of this agency,” the spokesperson said “The U.S. Secret Service prides itself on being an apolitical agency with a long and distinguished history of protecting our nation’s elected officials.”


Last week, The New York Times published fictional stories from various authors. The news outlet solicited crime and fiction writers to create Trump/Russia-themed stories for publication. As my editor James Barrett put it at the time, these stories “were almost guaranteed to indulge Russian conspiracy theories and include some sort of scenario that ends up with a dead President of the United States.”


And that’s exactly what happened. One author, Zoe Sharp, wrote what is now referred to as “Trump assassination porn”:


When it was time, he went downstairs, took his place in the lobby before the entourage appeared. The hotel staff had been lined up to see their boss, the president, go by. A few of them applauded. Most did not.


The president didn’t seem to notice. He waved, in his desultory fashion. The Secret Service agents clustered around him, ushered him toward the armored limo idling outside at the curb.


The Russian waited until they were a few steps past before he drew the gun. He sighted on the center of the president’s back, and squeezed the trigger.


The Makarov misfired.


The Secret Service agent at the president’s shoulder heard the click, spun into a crouch. He registered the scene instantly, drawing his own weapon with razor-edge reflexes.


The Russian tasted failure. He closed his eyes and waited to pay the cost.


It did not come.


He opened his eyes. The Secret Service agent stood before him, presenting his Glock, butt first.


“Here,” the agent said politely. “Use mine. …”


This was published just as various Democrats began receiving what may have been non-working pipe bomb-like devices – an attack the media blamed on Trump’s rhetoric. The New York Times, naturally, joined in on this narrative, without looking internally at how publishing a fictional account of Trump’s death might also contribute to a negative political climate or inspire its own assassination attempts.


In a news article published Friday, the Times blamed Trump’s rhetoric for the devices, listing what he has said about each of the recipients and what those recipients had said about him. In each article the news outlet published about the devices, Trump’s rhetoric was included.


And as is obvious, such fictional accounts of the president’s death would never be tolerated by left-leaning media outlets if Barack Obama were president.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.3652799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3329

Synagogue Shooter Used Facebook, Twitter, & Gab But Only One Punished Was Gab Who Doesn’t Censor


Twitter, Facebook, & Gab all hosted content by the vile synagogue shooter, but the only one punished for it was Gab because they don't censor.


The First Amendment protects your right to say whatever you want free from government prosecution. It does not protect you from saying hateful things on private properties or privately-owned forums without fear of repercussion.


That is the very definition of freedom of association.


Friday’s attack by an unhinged, vile piece of human excrement on a Synagogue in Pittsburgh wasn’t hours old before real world agendas pushed to the top of the news.


Twitter alternative Gab was immediately dropped by PayPal without specific reasons.


Then immediately, Gab’s latest hosting service unilaterally gave the company a 48-hour termination notice of its contract.


This is the second time Gab has had to switch providers this year. They have been denied an app in the iOS store. Google will not allow their Android app to be in the Play Store.


Why is Gab targeted?


Because Gab is a true alternative to Twitter which exists outside of the control of the financial and political oligarchy.


With the recent passing of the EU’s “Link Law” which is designed to shut down opposition voices, the merged corporate/political oligarchy are moving to ensure that all speech is criminalized.


But to do that they first have to square the circle around that pesky First Amendment in the U.S.


And that means outsourcing the censorship to the companies who own the internet access points – the app platforms, the social media giants, the hosting firms and payment processors.


If you can’t build and maintain a business then you can’t oppose their rule.


With apologies to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, “Free Speech isn’t Free… it costs a buck o’ five.”


This is classic barrier-to-entry stuff that the government engages in to protect the market share of the favored companies over their competition.


And despite the roadblocks put up in front of Gab it has continued to grow.


The platform has improved. I know. I’ve been a member since 2016 when it was only a haven for the vilest of people. That early culture drove me away along with its limitations, but then again, I’m pretty bad at this whole social media thing.


But, today that is not the case. Gab simply doesn’t censor you. If you want to be a jackass in public, that’s your business.


It doesn’t seem to stop Elizabeth Warren after all.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3652837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Has Conducted Strikes in Syria Since Downing of Russian Plane - Reports


Earlier, Israeli military officials said they would not target the S-300 air defense systems given to Syria by Russia if they were not used in a way that poses a threat to Israel.


Israel has carried out attacks in Syria since the September 17 destruction of a Russian Il-20 reconnaissance plane by Syrian air defenses during an Israeli air raid, a senior Israeli official has said, according to Reuters.


"The [Israel Defense Forces] have attacked in Syria, including after the downing of the Russian plane. Military coordination with the Russians continues as before," the anonymous senior official said.


The official did not provide any additional details on the nature of Israel's military activity in Syria, nor information about the number of times it had attacked.


Tel Aviv and Moscow have yet to comment on the official's statement.


Russia began the deployment of modernized S-300 air defense systems to Syria last month following the September incident which resulted in the destruction of a Russian Il-20 recon plane with 15 airmen onboard by Syrian air defenses attempting to repel an Israeli air attack. The Russian military accused Israel of deliberately using the Russian plane as a shield, and of giving it insufficient warning to make it out of harm's way.


In addition to the three battalion sets of S-300s, Russia provided Syria with its friend/foe identification system, and promised to provide assistance in the radio-electronic suppression of the satellite navigation, airborne radars and combat communications systems of aircraft attempting to hit non-terrorist targets in Syria. Russian air defense troops are expected to provide training assistance to their Syrian counterparts over a three month period.


The Israeli military boasted about having conducted over 200 missions over Syria in a period of a year and a half prior to the incident involving the Russian plane, but has not not been reported to have carried out any air or missile strikes since then.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.3652860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>2906 >>2986 >>3082 >>3098 >>3283

Howard Dean wants tried as an ‘accomplice to murder’


Alternative-to-Twitter is down Sunday night, reportedly a result of the social media platform losing its hosting provider:


Aaaand, there goes Gab.

@lilsarg) October 29, 2018


Apparently their provider,, gave them until tomorrow to switch providers:


If @GoDaddy steals a six figure domain from us you can be sure we will take legal action to the fullest extent of the law.

— (@getongab) October 29, 2018


And now they’re looking to move hosting overseas:


Just spoke to our broker about @godaddy and he recommended we transfer to a DNS outside of the United States. Welcome to 2018 where freedom of speech isn’t defended by US Corporations.

— (@getongab) October 29, 2018


Alrighty then:


Mainstream media and big tech attacks are only making Gab stronger.


— (@getongab) October 29, 2018


Joyent, another technology provider for Gab, is also suspending the company which may or may not interfere with the FBI/DOJ investigation of the Tree of Life shooting:


Okay @joyent, expect to hear from the FBI and DOJ then.

— (@getongab) October 29, 2018


Earlier in the day, former Governor Howard Dean even suggested that Gab be tried as an “accomplice to murder”:


You are a facilitator of neo nazis and other haters. You should be tried for being an accomplice to murder. You’re lucky shutting you down is all you get. A lot luckier than the 11 Jews in Pittsburgh were or the two African Americans murdered in Kentucky were.

— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) October 29, 2018


Take a breath, Howard.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.3652893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2980

Baroness Tonge Blames Israel, Netanyahu for ‘Reigniting’ Hatred Against Jews


Former Lib Dem peer Baroness Jenny Tonge claimed Israel is to blame for a resurgence in anti-Jewish hatred in a social media post made just hours after Robert Bowers allegedly killed 11 people in Saturday’s Pittsburgh synagogue attack.


The independent anti-Israel peer, who resigned from the Liberal Democrats in 2016, made her thoughts clear on Facebook. She wrote: “Absolutely appalling and a criminal act, but does it ever occur to Bibi and the present Israeli government that it’s actions against Palestinians may be reigniting antisemitism?


“I suppose someone will say that it is anti Semitic to say so?”


onservative Friends of Israel Parliamentary Chairman in the House of Lords, Rt. Hon. The Lord Pickles, and CFI Honorary President Lord Polak CBE immediately responded with condemnation of Baroness Tonge’s “callous inflammatory” response.


The Jewish News reports they said: “We utterly condemn the shocking assertion by Baroness Tonge that the murder of Jews in Pittsburgh is the fault of the Israeli Government. This callous inflammatory posting, on social media, is in clear violation of the IHRA definition of Antisemitism adopted by the UK Government. For a Member of the House of Lords to publish such hateful thoughts brings Parliament into disrepute.


“Saturday was International Freedom of Religion Day. There is no greater freedom than to be able to attend a place of worship openly and safely. The murderous attack on American Jews exercising that freedom shames not only the USA but the whole world.


“The vile antisemitic attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh is a clear example of where intolerance and hatred lead if unchecked. Our thoughts are with all those affected by this heinous crime. Pittsburgh shows us that we must all stand together to combat Antisemitism wherever it appears”.


This is not the first time Baroness Tongue has lashed out at the Jewish state.


As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, she resigned from her party in 2016 after she was suspended for hosting a House of Lords meeting where guests heard that Jews were accountable for their own fate during the Holocaust.


On that occasion she sat and listened silently when an audience member claimed Jews “antagonised Hitler” and that the Holocaust was caused by “Judea declaring war on Germany”. Another participant added: “If anybody is antisemitic, it’s Israelis themselves”.


The meeting was organized by the Palestinian Return Centre, which live-streamed it on its Facebook page. The Israeli embassy in London said the gathering was a “shameful event which gave voice to racist tropes against Jews and Israelis alike”.


In 2010, Baroness Tonge was sacked as the Liberal Democrats’ health spokesperson in the House of Lords after demanding an investigation into allegations that IDF aid workers in Haiti were harvesting organs.


More than 5,000 people have now signed a petition demanding her expulsion from the chamber after her latest outburst.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.3652908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2931 >>3082 >>3283

Border Patrol Arrests Illegal Immigrant with Child Porn


Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector reportedly arrested an illegal immigrant in possession of child porn after he crossed the border from Mexico. The agents discovered the man’s illicit images after detaining him with a migrant group.


Agents patrolling near Cotulla, Texas, encountered a group of migrants who had just crossed the border from Mexico illegally. The agents arrested the group and to them to the Border Patrol station for processing, according to Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials.


During the immigration interview process, agents obtained permission from one of the migrants to search his cell phone. During the search, the agent discovered “suspicious material related to child pornography,” Laredo Sector officials stated. The agents identified the man as a Mexican national.


Officials did not disclose the nature of the suspected child pornography. Nor did they release any identifying details about the suspect including criminal and immigration history.


Agents turned the Mexican national and his cell phone containing the alleged child pornography over to Homeland Security Investigation for possible prosecution.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.3652930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3038 >>3082 >>3283

Dominican-Nationals Busted with $29 Million of Fentanyl, Say Police


Law enforcement officials near Boston, Massachusetts. arrested two Dominican nationals in connection with the seizure of over 70 pounds (32 kilograms) of fentanyl. The drugs have an alleged street value of $28.8 million dollars.


Earlier this week, according to a media release from the U.S. Attorneys, District of Massachusetts, law enforcement officers in the Boston area discovered 70 pounds of the potentially deadly drug Police also recovered a firearm and $20,000 in cash.


Prosecutors charged Angel Javier Morell-Oneill, 33, a Dominican national residing in Methuen, with one count of possession with intent to distribute 400 grams or more of fentanyl. Jose A. Rodriguez, 41, also faces one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute fentanyl. The town of Methuen is approximately 28 miles north of Boston.


According to the charging documents, law enforcement officials began investigating Morell-Oneill in June 2018. The investigation culminated with a traffic stop on Pleasant Valley Street in Methuen on Oct. 22, 2018, during which officers seized two kilos of fentanyl from the front passenger seat of the vehicle Morell-Oneill was driving.


After seizing the drugs, law enforcement officials executed a search warrant at Morell-Oneill’s residence in Methuen where they allegedly seized approximately 30 kilos of fentanyl, drug distribution paraphernalia, and a loaded firearm. While serving the search warrant, Rodriguez was arrested when he arrived at Morell-Oneill’s residence to deliver $20,000. Prosecutors say the money was to be used to pay for half of the transportation costs of a narcotics shipment recently delivered to Morell-Oneill. Officials seized the money from a hidden compartment in a car allegedly driven by Rodriguez.


Rodriguez faces a sentence of no greater than 20 years in prison, a mandatory minimum of three years and up to a lifetime of supervised release, and a fine of up to $1 million. Morell-Oneill faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years and up to life in prison, a mandatory minimum of five years and up to a lifetime of supervised release, and a fine of up to $10 million. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based on the United States Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.


United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Brian D. Boyle, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration, New England Field Division; and Colonel Kerry A. Gilpin, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, made the announcement on October 26. Officials say valuable assistance was provided by the Somerville, Medford, Boston, Ipswich, and Arlington Police Departments. Assistant U.S. Attorney Katherine Ferguson of Lelling’s Narcotics and Money Laundering Unit is prosecuting the case.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3652969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Europe Will Become a Battlefield: Putin Bluntly Explains What Discarding INF Treaty Means


5 mins

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3653001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3072

New Study Again Links Fluoride to ADHD in Children


ADHD is one of the most common issues with children these days. According to 2016 data from the CDC, approximately 2.4 million children ages 6-11 have ADHD in the US and that number tends to increase over time. Seeing as though it’s very hard to treat and affects so many kids, wouldn’t a better solution be to prevent it altogether?


Ridding the world entirely of ADHD might be a bit of a stretch but learning what causes it and minimizing exposure is a much more reasonable solution. Some causes may be obvious, such as head injuries or genetics, but others may be less conspicuous such as exposure to the sodium fluoride found in most tap water.


A new study from the University of Toronto is shedding light on the impact that water fluoridation may have on rates of childhood ADHD. According to the study, there is an association between the levels of fluoride found in pregnant mothers and “ADHD-like symptoms” in the Children once they become school-age, around 6-12 years old.


“Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure.” – Dr. MortezaBashash, Study Author


The study recruited researchers from some a diverse range of institutions, including the University of Toronto, the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico, University of Michigan, Indiana University, the University of Washington and Harvard School of Public Health.


After controlling for a series of variable including birthweight, birth order, sex, maternal marital status, smoking history, age at delivery, education, and socioeconomic status, the team found that the parents who had higher exposure to fluoride still reported higher levels of ADHD in their children compared with other parents who did not have as much exposure.


“Our findings show that children with elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride were more likely to show symptoms of ADHD as reported by parents. Prenatal fluoride exposure was more strongly associated with inattentive behaviours and cognitive problems, but not with hyperactivity.”

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.3653051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China’s Yuan Sinks to 10-Year Low Against Dollar


BEIJING—China’s yuan sank to a 10-year low against the dollar on Oct. 29, coming close to breaking the politically sensitive level of seven to the U.S. currency.


The yuan declined to 6.9644 per dollar at midday, passing its most recent low in 2016 before recovering slightly. It was the lowest level since May 2008.


The currency’s weakness is one of a series of elements fueling Washington’s trade complaints against Beijing. The U.S. Treasury Department declined this month to label China a currency manipulator but said it was closely watching Beijing.


Chinese authorities have said they want to avoid “competitive devaluation” to boost exports amid a tariff war with the United States. But they are trying to make the state-controlled exchange rate more responsive to market forces, which are pushing the yuan lower.


The level of seven yuan to the dollar has no economic significance, but could revive U.S. attention to the exchange rate.


Chinese authorities are likely to “stand their ground” and prevent a “capitulation beyond the 7 level,” Mizuho Bank said in a report Monday.


The yuan, also known as the renminbi, or “people’s money,” has declined by almost 10 percent against the dollar since April as China’s economy cooled and U.S. and Chinese interest rates went in opposite directions.


That helps exporters cope with tariffs of up to 25 percent imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump on billions of dollars of Chinese goods. But it raises concerns over Beijing’s trade tactics.


“The last thing they will do is to escalate the tension by starting a currency war amid a trade war,” Macquarie Group said in a report last week.


Beijing’s unfair trade practices, including currency manipulation, have become a major source of tension with many of its trading partners, including the United States.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.3653078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US 'Charities' Most Likely Conduits for Cash to Fund Migrant Caravans – Journo


American voters know well the difference between vetted and unvetted migration and are likely to support Donald Trump's stance towards the massive caravan flowing from Latin America, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel told Sputnik, sharing his vision on who could be behind the movement.


"Like the orchestrated Kavanaugh circus, the caravan caper will likely backfire at the ballot box," Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist Charles Ortel told Sputnik. "Shrill voices of globalist scolds are calls to action for the less silent majority that treasures America and reveres our Constitution."


Ortel's comment comes amid growing crisis on the American southern border: A massive migrant caravan with over 7,500 people is heading from Honduras to the US.


Speaking to Fox News on October 27, US Vice President Mike Pence said that "the caravan was organized by leftist organizations, political activists within Honduras, and he said it was being funded by outside groups, and even from Venezuela," citing the president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández.


Meanwhile, the Pentagon is deploying concrete barriers to the border and is reportedly due to dispatch thousands of US troops in the area to prevent what Donald Trump has recently called "an invasion of" the United States.


Many Gang Members and some very bad people are mixed into the Caravan heading to our Southern Border. Please go back, you will not be admitted into the United States unless you go through the legal process. This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018


"Despite decades of aid and trade, many nations to the south of America remain mired in misery often run by corrupt governments that keep a small minority happy (and wealthy) while exploiting the poor and vulnerable masses. So, it is only natural that some persons make desperate choices — including fleeing north in hope of relocating to our nation," Ortel said, commenting on the situation.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.3653097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3283

Taliban Co-Founder’s Release from Prison May Help Secure Freedom for American and Australian Hostages


According to authorities in Pakistan, Baradar's release will help with the negotiations to free an American and Australian hostage. His release comes after an Oct.12 meeting between American diplomats and the Taliban held in the Gulf state of Qatar.


Pakistan released Taliban co-founder and deputy Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Thursday after serving nearly nine years in a Pakistani prison, the Taliban and Pakistan authorities said. Baradar was arrested in 2010 during a joint intelligence operation in Karachi, Pakistan by U.S. and Pakistani officials. The insurgency group was conducting a constant barrage of deadly attacks against U.S. forces and the Pakistani military in South Asia.


By Friday, spoke with sources in Pakistan that stated that when Baradar was released from prison, he visited his family in Quetta and then left for Helmand, Afghanistan. According to authorities in Pakistan, Baradar’s release will help with the negotiations to free American Kevin King, 60, and Timothy Weeks, 48, from Australia. The men were teaching at Kabul’s American University of Afghanistan when members of the Haqqani network, a militant arm linked to the Taliban, took them hostage in August 2016 while they were driving from the campus.


His release comes after an Oct.12 meeting between American diplomats and the Taliban held in the Gulf state of Qatar. According to reports this is the second time President Trump’s administration ordered direct talks with the Taliban. Sources told this news site that his release may play a role in getting King and Weeks safely back to their countries from captivity.


Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told this news site that both Weeks and King are alive and are “recovering from health issues.” and Pakistani writer Sajid Khan obtained the first exclusive video of Baradar after his release. He is surrounded by militants, carrying AK-47s and some of them are throwing flower petals at the militant leader.

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.3653112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3137 >>3227 >>3283

San Francisco spends about $6,326 for each non-citizen voter to sign up for local election, report says


San Francisco reportedly spent $310,000 on a new registration system aimed at getting non-citizens to cast votes in school board elections.


The program resulted in 49 new voters, which turned out to cost the city $6,326 each, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The paper called the effort “pretty much a bust the first time out.”


Local officials suggest residents who might otherwise consider registering are worried the Trump administration would learn their identities.


The voters are only able to vote in a school board race. John Arntz, the city elections chief, In San Francisco, noncitizens who opt to vote will be listed on a separate roster from citizens and will get a ballot with just the school board contest, city elections chief John Arntz said.


Robin Hvidston, the executive director of We the People Rising, group that calls for tougher immigration enforcement, told The Los Angeles Times that the program could ultimately backfire with those who take a moderate stance on immigration.


San Francisco is not the first place with such a measure. In Maryland, where an estimated 15 percent of residents are foreign-born, at least six cities allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.


In Massachusetts, the cities of Amherst, Cambridge, Newton and Brookline have advanced laws to allow noncitizen voting, but they cannot implement them because they need the approval of state lawmakers, who have not acted, said Ron Hayduk, an associate professor of political science at San Francisco State University who studies noncitizen voting laws.


The Times said the San Francisco Unified School District does not have exact numbers on how many students in its system are noncitizens. The report, citing the district’s website, said 29 percent of its 54,063 students are English-language learners.


Shamann Walton, a district commissioner in the city’s schools, told the paper that he wants families with children in these schools to have a voice.


“Trump will not always be president,” he told The Times. “Hopefully we’ll have leaders who are inclusive and really believe that if you are a resident of this country, you should have the same rights as other people. I’m looking forward to a time when our families will have a bigger voice.”

Anonymous ID: 9f04ff Oct. 29, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.3653134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3283

Former Swiss Bank Executive Sentenced to Prison for Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme Involving Funds Embezzled from Venezuelan State-Owned Oil Company