Anonymous ID: bec7a9 Oct. 29, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.3653059   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Rush Limbaugh Show


Donald Trump Was Elected to Fight Back, Not Tone It Down

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 29,2018




RUSH: We’ve got a caller coming up talking about Obama being associated with hardcore anti-Semites like Sharpton, Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan. That’s absolutely true, and there’s photographic evidence of it, and when those photos ended up being published in many cases, the Drive-Bys cropped Farrakhan out of the photos. One of the examples is at the funeral for Aretha Franklin. Anyway, the Democrats are demanding that Trump tone it down.



Did you love it when Trump said, “I have toned it down. If you want me to tone it back up, I will.” Donald Trump was elected to be different. Donald Trump was elected because people were fed up with politics-as-usual. I’m gonna tell you this: People fed up with politics see the Democrats and the media politicizing everything. It’s not going to send people running to the Democrat Party. Quite the opposite of what the media thinks.


See, the media and the Democrats obviously think that a majority of the American people want to see the country the way the Democrats do, through a lens of everything being political. And people don’t want to see it that way. The Democrats and the media are telling Trump to tone it down, but they tone nothing down themselves. What was it the mayor of Baltimore said to protesters? (summarized) “We need to give them space to destroy. We need to stand back and let them get it out of their system.”


They say nothing when Republicans are gunned down. They abuse power to hide Hillary’s crimes to fix elections, to run silent coups against a duly elected president. So the left wants Trump to tone down his efforts at self-defense! That’s what Trump is doing. He’s assaulted. He has said countless times, “If I’m hit, I’m gonna hit back.” When Trump is blamed for the actions of a lunatic, he’s told to be more dignified, remain silent, be like Mitt Romney would be. Be reserved and so forth.


Supposed to sit back, let Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa wreak havoc?




RUSH: Democrats wanted Brett Kavanaugh to sit back and take it. You see, the way this works is, a 36-year-old allegation can be made for which there is no evidence and for which four supposed witnesses can’t even place themselves at the place ’cause the victim doesn’t know where it happened, doesn’t know when it happened. But it becomes real, and we gotta destroy somebody’s life, we have to destroy somebody’s career, and Kavanaugh is supposed to sit back and just take it.


See, those are the old rules of Washington: People under assault take it. “The best way to deal with it,” they are advised, “is to not make waves. Sit there and take it,” and that’s how responsible, reasonable Republicans have always acted. Well, that’s not who Donald Trump is. He wasn’t elected to act that way. If you ask me, the wrong people are being told to tone it down. The left needs to tone down its organized violence.


The left needs to tone down all of these political stunts that are, in many ways, designed to provoke a reaction from people because they utilize abuses of power and character assassination. The character being assassinated is just supposed to sit there, just supposed to take it. That’s how you get ahead in Washington. If you’re under the gun, you take it. You sit there and take it and realize it’s just politics. “Don’t take it personally, Judge Kavanaugh. Don’t take it personally.


“It’s just politics. Because everybody hates Trump, we can’t let you on the Supreme Court, and you’re gonna have to sit there and that’s the price you’re gonna have to pay for this guy being elected,” and he’s supposed to sit there and take it. He wasn’t supposed to be angry while he was smeared and while his family was threatened and while his life and future were in the process of being destroyed. He wasn’t supposed to say anything. “Just sit there and take it. That’s the rules. That’s the way it works in Washington. Not personal. Just business. Just politics.”


And then a couple of years afterwards, everybody forgets it and everybody likes Kavanaugh, except Kavanaugh’s life is ruined, and he’s never supposed to want to get even. He’s never supposed to fight for himself. Trump, ditto. He’s not supposed to stand up to this. But that’s who Trump is. They’re not used to it. They thought they would have sent Trump packing. A year and a half ago, they thought they’d be rid of Donald Trump, and they still aren’t.