Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.3655016   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.3655236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5249 >>5397 >>5417 >>5463 >>5479 >>5508 >>5573 >>5623

Mail bomber suspect Cesar Sayoc appears in footage shot for Michael Moore’s ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’


Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has shared a raw video of mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc who was filmed during a rally for President Donald Trump shortly after he took office.


Moore posted a link to the video on Twitter Sunday.


The footage showed Sayoc in a crowd of Trump supporters in Melbourne, Florida, in February 2017. It was shot for Moore’s documentary “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which is based on Trump’s rise to the presidency. The footage was not used in the final production of the documentary.


“My direction to my producer Basel Hamdan and our longtime collaborator Eric Weinrib was to NOT film Trump, but rather only film the people who came out to see him. My feeling was, after one month in office, we didn’t need to hear anything more from Trump’s mouth — we already knew everything we needed to know about him,” Moore wrote in a blog post.


Sayoc, 56, allegedly sent at least 14 pipe bombs to outspoken Democrat Trump critics, including former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and others.


What’s the story?


Sayoc appeared three times for a few seconds each in the 3.5 minute clip.


“[A]nd you can see what Sayoc had become by early 2017, his body grossly deformed into what he thought a man should be, muscles the size of basketballs, he’s wearing a sleeveless white T-shirt, holding a big anti-CNN sign and, along with his fellow Trumpsters, is yelling at the journalists who had gathered in the media pen,” Moore wrote.


“Underneath his threatening Hulk-like exterior, there is fear in his eyes and, for a quick moment, you can see he is already gone, a lost dog with no direction home,” he continued.


Sayoc can be seen in the video holding up a sign that reads “CNN Sucks” and he can be heard chanting, “Tell the truth!” along with other rallygoers.


A photo of Moore with crosshairs over his face was among the many stickers and photos plastered on the side of Sayoc’s van.


“Needless to say I was a bit shaken to see that Sayoc had placed a photo of me with a crosshairs target over my face on the side of his van,” Moore said.


Moore went on to write that police were working to determine if there had been a package sent to him.


“Because of this target he put on me, the police and security people were looking on Friday to see if a package had been sent to me and, if so, is it still somewhere in the postal delivery system. So far, so good!” Moore said.

What else?


On Friday, authorities arrested Sayoc in Florida. He’s expected to be formally charged with at least five federal crimes during his first appearance in the U.S. Southern District Court of New York Monday afternoon.

Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3655290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cherev Gideon- Pennsylvania's 'Israeli Tactical Training Academy.'


Last Saturday we heard the disturbing news of a gun attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that left eleven people dead. Today I was surprised to find out that some in Pennsylvania had seen it coming. The following 2017 Israeli TV video tells the story of Cherev Gideon, an IDF like Jewish militia operating in Pennsylvania that trains American Jews to “shoot the Israeli Style.”


“The Second Amendment provides us with the right to bear arms.” Cherev Gidon’s site says, “however it does not provide us with the knowledge of how to safely and professionally respond to a threat.” According to Israeli TV, Cherev Gideon’s goal is for “every synagogue to have an armed Jew ready to defend it.”


“We specialise in Israeli tactical shooting techniques, developed over the course of several decades of counter-terrorism warfare, and uniquely designed to address the threats we face today. All of our firearms instructors are highly qualified veterans of Israel Defense Force combat units. Many have served in Special Forces units and all have hands-on experience fighting terror.”


Youtube: “ In north-east Honesdale, Pennsylvania, there are Jews training with firearms in the Israeli Tactical Training Academy. Their goals is for every synagogue to have an armed Jew ready to defend it. The founder of Cherev Gideon, the tactical training academy, is Yonatan Stern. Yonatan was raised in the settlement of Kiryat Arbah and Served in Israeli Defence Forces in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, an infantry, counter-terrorism battalion specifically created for religious men. He has since been living in the United States for over a decade where he has built his firearms training academy. He and other highly qualified veterans of Israel Defense Force combat units train responsible citizens and law enforcement to defend themselves and those around them using Israeli warfare tactics . Every Jew, especially Jews who live abroad, need to own a weapon, know how to use it and be ready to defend himself.”


Youtube: “ In north-east Honesdale, Pennsylvania, there are Jews training with firearms in the Israeli Tactical Training Academy. Their goals is for every synagogue to have an armed Jew ready to defend it. The founder of Cherev Gideon, the tactical training academy, is Yonatan Stern. Yonatan was raised in the settlement of Kiryat Arbah and Served in Israeli Defence Forces in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, an infantry, counter-terrorism battalion specifically created for religious men. He has since been living in the United States for over a decade where he has built his firearms training academy. He and other highly qualified veterans of Israel Defense Force combat units train responsible citizens and law enforcement to defend themselves and those around them using Israeli warfare tactics . Every Jew, especially Jews who live abroad, need to own a weapon, know how to use it and be ready to defend himself.”

Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:53 p.m. No.3655328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5354

China Is Secretly Enrolling Military Scientists in Western Universities


Dozens of scientists and engineers linked to China’s People’s Liberation Army obscured their military connections when applying to study overseas.


Universities in the US, UK, Australia, and other countries may have been unknowingly collaborating with China’s military.


That’s according to a new study by Canberra-based think tank Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), which found that dozens of scientists and engineers linked to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had obscured their military connections when applying to study overseas.


Most strikingly, said ASPI, the collaboration is the highest among the “Five Eyes” countries—an intelligence alliance consisting of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US—which counts China as one of their “main intelligence adversaries.” The fear is that such scientists could be engaging in espionage or committing intellectual-property theft during their stints overseas.


About 2,500 PLA-sponsored military scientists have gone abroad since 2007, according to ASPI. Such collaborations are encouraged by cash-strapped foreign universities, some of which have increasingly turned to China for scientific funding.


ASPI said that this has resulted in a steady increase in the amount of peer-reviewed publications produced in foreign universities in collaboration with PLA scientists, who have worked in sensitive areas such as cryptography, autonomous driving, and navigation technology.


In a strategy described by the PLA as “picking flowers in foreign lands to make honey in China,” the Chinese military deliberately obscures the connections of those it sends to study overseas, which are different from transparent military-to-military exchanges that also take place between China and other countries.


For example, ASPI said that such students have actively sought to disguise their military links by claiming to be from fake academic institutions or by fudging the names of existing institutions—some scientists from the PLA Rocket Force Engineering University in Xian, for example, claimed to be from the non-existent Xian Research Institute of High Technology.

Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.3655336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5408 >>5623

“Tonight” James O’Keefe Taunts AZ Dem Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema

Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.3655362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GQ Hack and CNN House Idiot – Julia Ioffe: Trump Has “Radicalized So Many More People Than ISIS Ever Did” (VIDEO)


Frequent CNN guest and GQ Magazine house idiot trashed President Trump saying he “radicalized more people than ISIS ever did.”

This passes for intelligent commentary on CNN.


Julia Ioffe: “One of the things he (Trump) launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radicalization and this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.”


You can tell she’s a true leftist. So stupid.


And they wonder why Trump crowds chant, “CNN Sucks!”

Anonymous ID: 5f29c6 Oct. 29, 2018, 3 p.m. No.3655383   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ron Paul: Trump Is Right, The Fed Is Crazy


President Trump recently called the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes crazy. Leaving aside President Trump’s specific complaint, which is likely motivated by the belief that low rates will help him win reelection, he is right that “crazy” is a good way to describe the Federal Reserve.


When not forced to use a government-created currency, individuals have historically chosen to use a precious metal such as gold or silver as money. The reasons include that precious metals are durable and their value tends to remain relatively stable over time. A stable currency ensures that prices accurately convey the true value of goods and services.


A main value of a precious metal is it accurately conveys the true price of money, which is the Interest rate. If the interest rate reflects the manipulation of central bankers and not true market conditions, individuals will be unable to properly allocate resources between savings and current consumption.


In contrast to market money, government-created fiat currency is anything but stable. Central banks constantly increase and decrease the money supply in an attempt to control the economy by controlling the interest rates. This causes individuals to misread market conditions, leading to a misallocation of resources. This can create an illusion of prosperity. But eventually reality catches up to the Federal Reserve-created fantasies. When that happens, there is a recession or worse, leading the Fed to start the whole boom-and-bust cycle over again.