Anonymous ID: d822bf Oct. 29, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.3655826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5904 >>6135


I think therefore I am, ,I think therefore I doubt, I doubt therefore I am imperfect, now how can the imperfect have knowledge of the perfect unless there was a perfect telling the imperfect that they are indeed imperfect

Anonymous ID: d822bf Oct. 29, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.3655974   🗄️.is 🔗kun


200 thousand law just to enforce the 10 commandments


Isaiah 46:10 King James Version (KJV)


10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand,

Anonymous ID: d822bf Oct. 29, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.3655995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6009

Brazil’s far-right president-elect readies trips to U.S., Chile


RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right former Army captain who clinched Brazil's presidential election by a comfortable margin, won the approval of U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday and began planning trips to Washington and a conservative ally in Chile.


Bolsonaro, who early in his legislative career declared he was "in favor" of dictatorships and demanded that Congress be disbanded, vowed on Sunday to adhere to democratic principles while holding up a copy of the country's Constitution.


Trump said he had an "excellent call" congratulating Bolsonaro and tweeted about their plans to "work closely together on trade, military and everything else!"


Investors were quick to cheer Bolsonaro's victory, sending Brazil's benchmark Bovespa stock index <.BVSPto an all-time high in early trading before turning negative as traders booked profits on a sharp rally this month.


Markets have surged on Bolsonaro's ascent, as he pledged to quickly close Brazil's gaping budget deficit and privatize state firms, but investors said further gains will hinge on clearer signs he will deliver on a market-friendly agenda.

Anonymous ID: d822bf Oct. 29, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.3656175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6194


you are talking about Hinduism same as the matrix and little green men bullshit

Hinduism has long used the metaphor of Indra’s Net to illustrate the

interconnectedness of all things. This holds that the entire Universe is produced and

sustained by a transcendental intelligence that projects itself like a dream into a void

that our mind perceives as a Space-Time continuum. According to this philosophy,

what we conceive as reality is nothing more than an infinite series of inter-connected

images projecting from an unknowable Cosmic Source.

Anonymous ID: d822bf Oct. 29, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.3656194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212


Read on and don't be fooled but pedowood and their silly ass movies.


Each individual perceives this dream in a unique way relative to his location in the

Space-Time Continuum. Divine Illumination or Cosmic Consciousness is the lifechanging

moment when we realize that our individual perspective is intimately linked

to the perspectives enjoyed by every other individual and that, in reality, All is One.

As the individual advances into higher states of spiritual awareness – via meditation,

contemplation, yoga, creative visualization, out-of-body experiences, and sacred

initiations imparted by a 'Spiritual Master' – he finds that he can change and re-order

these images through the correct use of his imagination. When this happens he

becomes the Creator of his own reality. The perfect mastery of this process is known

as God-Realization or God Consciousness, where man comes to the awesome

realization that he too is God.

Conceived in this way the Universe is ‘holographic’ because the whole, the totality of

all things, is completely contained in each of its constituent cells, rather like the

holographic images imprinted into a glass sheet in a laboratory using a laser beam. If

the glass is shattered, the entire image may still be found in each of its fragments.


The Matrix and the Dance of Shiva

Perhaps the most popular expression of this idea is found in the movie The Matrix,

where the protagonist, Neo (an anagram of 'One') awakens to the realization that he

and everyone else exists within a world that is entirely computer-generated, a

dynamic digital simulation. This awakening, which corresponds with “divine

illumination” or “cosmic consciousness” in Hindu and New Age philosophy, gives

him incredible super-powers that are limited only by his imagination.

The idea that the universe is a matrix or a spectrum of dancing images is also depicted

in Hinduism through the supposed Dance of Shiva. The Hindu god of creation,

preservation and destruction – known as Shiva – is supposed to "dance" as an

expression of his omnipotent power. This dance is believed to manifest a Cosmos

with the properties of Indra’s Net, but which lacks both an intrinsic purpose and a

substantial reality.