Anonymous ID: 5a0ced Oct. 29, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.3657007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The R’s and Potus have more to gain from that caravan heading to the border than D’s do. I feel manipulated to vote red to stop them. Only problem is I have no assurances from Republicans running that a wall is a priority for them. Or from Potus for that matter.

In fact its a token issue at best. With 22 million already here and little being done about that. Catch and Release still occuring. 7000 is nothing.

Build the fuggin wall.

I know lets hire all immigrant senators who will work for a tenth the pay and no benefits because they will simply exchange their pay 9/1 back in Mexico retire in five years and cycle in a new batch every few years so we’ll get term limits as a bobus.

We’ll do the same with hollywood and sports teams and average Americans who wages arent going up because of open borders can at least afford to see a movie and go to a professional sports game.

That will shut the bleeding heart liberal fuckers up quick. Aaaand wall will bebuilt by the NFL and Robert DeNiro.