Anonymous ID: 07f0ab Oct. 29, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.3660397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526 >>0736 >>0934 >>1020

UK - Pakistani Pedophiles Found Guilty of Grooming, Raping Scores of Girls


A court in England found seven men of Pakistani heritage guilty of horrifically grooming and exploiting young girls, including one who was sexually abused by “at least 100 Asian men” before she even turned 16.


The men targeted and exploited the teenagers before making them endure acts of “degrading and violent nature.”


One gir even testified being bitten and raped by two of the men in Sherwood Forest while being “high as kite” on drugs.


One of the abused girls became pregnant and was forced into having an abortion at the age of 14. Another victim gave birth at 15, her son fathered by her abuser.


It was also learned during the hearing that the seven men abused five young girls for seven years in Rotherham. The jury heard that the men preyed on the girls’ vulnerability before they were sexually attacked and then horrifically passed on to other men.


The court also heard that the men used alcohol, drugs, threats, and violence to control the teenaged victims.


Prosecutor Michelle Colborne QC stated that the poor victims were merely “lured by the excitement of friendship with older Asian youths but were then “targeted, sexualized and in some instances even subjected to acts of degrading and violent nature.” The victims also became “easy targets” for the abusers because of their vulnerability of having come from broken homes, who “wanted to be loved.”


The men have been identified as Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, 37, Tanweer Ali, 37, Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, 39, Nabeel Kurshid, 35, Iqlak Yousaf, 34. The seventh man was not named for legal reasons.


The seven men were convicted of rape and indecent assault after an eight-week trial. They are scheduled to be sentenced on November 16.


The convictions were borne from Operation Stovewood, the National Crime Agency’s probe into sexual exploitation in Rotherham. More than 1,500 victims have been identified there.


The Operation Stovewood happens to be the largest law enforcement probe into non-familial child sexual exploitation in the UK.

Anonymous ID: 07f0ab Oct. 29, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.3660453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0520 >>0526 >>0558 >>0736 >>0934 >>0953 >>1020

One dead, dozens injured as migrant caravan clashes with Mexican authorities



One member of a migrant caravan was killed, and dozens of police officers and immigrants were injured as one of the migrant caravans trekking toward the United States through Mexico clashed with authorities, according to the Los Angeles Times.


26-year-old Henry Diaz was reportedly struck in the head with a rubber bullet fired by a Mexican police officer and died at a hospital, although Mexican interior secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida said officers were not armed.


“The police did not have weapons, did not intend to attack any person, and the instruments used were deterrents so that no women, children or young people would suffer any harm,” Navarrete Prida said.

What’s going on?


While one nearly 4,000-person caravan is about 900 miles away from the U.S. border as of Monday, another group that set out north from Central America later met resistance from Mexican police as they illegally broke through the border between Mexico and Guatemala.


The Los Angeles Times reported that Sunday, members or the caravan busted through a fence Guatemala put up on a bridge that leads to a border crossing into Mexico. Many of the migrants made it past Guatemalan authorities that attempted to stop them with tear gas and shields.


On the other side, they ran into Mexican police. Migrants threw rocks and bottles and officers allegedly fired rubber bullets as a police helicopter dropped tear gas from above.


Navarrete Prida said that migrants were throwing Molotov cocktails at police.

What’s the damage?


According to Mexican authorities, 10 police officers were hurt, with two of them sustaining serious injuries. As many as 100 immigrants may have been injured in the conflict as well.

A volatile situation


With President Donald Trump ordering 5,200 active duty military troops to the southern border to meet the first migrant caravan, it’s unclear whether the caravan’s arrival will result in the same kind of violence as has taken place in Mexico.


Some have criticized the use of that many troops as overkill for the situation, but Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy said Trump is showing where his priority lies.


“The president has made it clear that border security is national security,” O’Shaughnessy told The New York Times.

Anonymous ID: 07f0ab Oct. 29, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.3660484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand earthquake rattles North and South Island


A strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck central New Zealand.


The quake was initially reported as 6.7M.


It struck at a depth of 207km about 25km south-west of Taumarunui.

Anonymous ID: 07f0ab Oct. 29, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.3660534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indonesia's Krakatau volcano creates its own lightning during magnificent eruption (VIDEO)


Mother Nature produced a light show made of lava when Indonesia's Krakatau volcano erupted, scattering fiery specks and volcanic lightning into the night sky. The entire display was caught on video.


The beautiful footage shows the volcano, known for its violent eruptions, shoot ash and lava from its crater in a way that can only be described as mesmerizing.


But what was even more dazzling was that the volcano managed to create its own lightning, a rare and remarkable occurrence that only takes place when the conditions of the eruption - from lava temperature to the size of the ash plumes - are just right.


The Krakatau volcano, situated in the Sunda Straight between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra, has seen increased activity since June. It sits on the chain of active volcanoes along the Pacific rim that is often called the 'Ring of Fire.'

Anonymous ID: 07f0ab Oct. 29, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.3660684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0790 >>1043 >>1056

Street Artists Hit Downtown Los Angeles with “Tijuanification in Progress” Signs – Courtesy of CA Democrats


“Tijuanification in Progress”


Street artists in Los Angeles posted signs overnight in blighted downtown areas of the city that read “TIJUANIFICATION IN PROGRESS – A gift from GAVIN NEWSOM and the CA Democrats* Paid For By Your Taxes”. The name “Gavin Newsom” was a sticker covering “Governor Brown”.


The artists said they were “alarmed by the destruction being wrought on a city and state that is effectively run by one corrupt political party. The Democrats are an organized crime racket that steals tax money for their own virtue-signaling projects while 3rd-world diseases like Typhus spread unabated. It’s time for Californians to wake up to the disaster that is single-party rule.”


Under Democrat rule homelessness is rampant, poverty is on the rise and the former “Golden State” is hemmorrhaging its middle class.