Anonymous ID: d3539a Oct. 29, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.3661073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What did PapaD plead guilty to? He now wants to withdraw his guilty plea.


If he plead guilty to lying to a FBI agent, how does the new evidence that was uncovered recently help him. Either he lied or he did not. The only thing that save him is if he plead guilty to a lesser crime like lying as part of a deal. If the FBI agent felt he was lying and the new evidence proves he was correct and right in what he is telling the FBI then perhaps he has a case.


There is something weird going here. Why is he so vocal suddenly.


I do believe those Mueller clowns strong armed PapaD, but he needs to be very careful how how approaches this. Mueller has track record of being very vindictive.