Anonymous ID: f7d1b2 Oct. 29, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.3660743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0774


One bad thing about the way this place has developed over the year, when people have been newfagging at the various heavy influx periods, they've come in to a place that has previous new people thinking the immediate response to the "hive mind" is to believe, follow, "Hey, you're a newfag (while being one themselves)", all because, well, "the autists would know/are cool/run this place etc." and people want to fit in with majority opinion, for the majority, so…

People often forget that those new-new-new-etc people are likely the majority now and were influenced by the "newfag generation" before them that has picked up "Oh, I can swear here? Oh, NIGGAFAGGOTKIKE! I'm with the cool kids, newfag. You're a newfag etc., etc., etc." and then future normies will do as normies do and repeat the cycle because…who doesn't want to fit in/be shouted down for something you think?

The hive mind can be turned against some if that hive is perceived to be something it's not by the worker bee ie; shills are loud about one thing, insult the actual anons, normies see said shilling, believe the vocal majority are correct and then join in, because…again, normies be normies.

Easier to do what everyone else is doing to fit in than be the first head above the grass.