As Christians, we believe that Yahweh decided to breed a son from Mary, a 12-year-old Jewess, so that it would be born and latter killed so that my sins could be forgiven. Back when Abraham was about to kill his son, Yahweh became jealous of Abraham. Yahweh wanted a son of his own to die and that's how he got the idea of Jesus. Yahweh then created a son by impregnating the Jewess Mary, so that it would be born and latter killed, as a sacrifice to himself. This would make Yahweh satisfied enough to forgive mankind, provided that they were reborn just as Yahweh was reborn through Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, Yahweh became the new Abraham and Jesus became God. Christians became the newly chosen Jews and Christiandom became the new spiritual Israel because it is now ruled by the true Jew King, the Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit then became the sacrifice Ram that replaced Abraham's son after God turned into the Jesus, son of Yahweh. The sacrifice of Jesus enabled the satisfied Yahweh to become a Holy Spirit that came from the Son of Man when Abraham's prophesy was fulfilled. When the Christ Jesus became Abraham's spiritual missionary, Christians could be reborn as new Jews through the Holy Spirit which arose because Yahweh became God through the resurrection of Jesus. The Christ Jesus could now become the Yahweh of Abraham by the Holy Spirit which appears to born-again Christians as God because of the resurrection as prophesied by Abraham.
>why do they persecute me so??