Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3664263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300

Congress Goes to War With Treasury Department Over Saving Iranian Financial Access


Congress is working to pass new legislation that would completely cut Iran's access to international financial systems amid criticism by Iran hawks that the Trump administration's Treasury Department is seeking to keep these financial lines open, a major concession to Tehran and European allies scrambling to save the landmark nuclear agreement.


U.S. officials familiar with Congress's effort to take the reins on tough new Iran sanctions ahead of a Nov. 4 snapback deadline have been battling with the Treasury Department over its efforts to allow Iran to remain connected to the SWIFT banking system, which facilitates cross-border transactions and has provided Iran with a key lifeline to the West.


Iran hawks on Capitol Hill are said to be frustrated over the Treasury Department's efforts, telling the Washington Free Beacon that some officials in the Trump administration are walking back the president's promise to reimpose a bevy of new sanctions on Iran that were lifted as part of the nuclear deal.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3664320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854

Russian MoD: “White Helmets” terrorists prepare for chemical provocation in Aleppo



30 October 2018


Lattakia, SANA- Russian Ministry of Defense warned that terrorists are preparing for a new provocation through using chemical weapons in Aleppo province.


Head of the Russian Coordination Center in Hmeimim Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko said in a statement on Monday evening that the Center received information from the locals of Aleppo countryside on preparing a new provocation by terrorists through using chemical weapons against civilians with the aim of accusing the Syrian army.


Savchenko added that scores of “white Helmets” terrorists arrived in the towns of Ezaz, Mare’a and al-Ra’ai in Aleppo Province after terrorists transported canisters of chlorine and toxic substances from the city of Jisr al-Shughour to the aforementioned towns.


He indicated that at the current time, terrorists of the “White Helmets” started to film fabricated video footage with the participation of a number of civilians who are unidentified by the locals.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.3664446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part of the Cabals 16 year plan no doubt use Russia to start a war as evident by the election hoax ,Thank God for Trump


Russia’s Pearl Harbor 2.0 Asymmetrical War Plans, Gulftainer, Club-K, and EMP


Translations from a Russian defense journal and from a secret Iranian military handbook suggest that Russia and Iran have developed a Pearl Harbor 2.0 plan to sink the entire U.S. Navy fleet as part of coordinated asymmetrical attacks against the United States and U.S. military bases around the world.


The plan is to launch Russian Kalibr cruise missiles from submarines, freighter ships, and Trojan Horse Club-K Container Missile System intermodal cargo “containers” that can be smuggled into U.S. ports and moved into the U.S. interior aboard trains and semi-trucks.


In 2015 the Russian journal “Natsionalnaya Oborona” (translation: National Defense) outlined a plan to “hit them in their ports” with Kalibr cruise missiles that could sink entire US Navy fleets docked in ports across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.


The journal published a paper, written by Aleksandr Mozgovoy, called “RUSSIAN NAVY’S LONG ARM: KALIBR MISSILE FAMILY.” Mozgovoy writes (translated from Russian):


Thanks to the (Kalibr) cruise missiles, nuclear and conventional submarines will no longer have to change ship targets all over the ocean, but strike them in their ports, attacking from long ranges. They can now attack a wide range of land targets and from directions poorly protected by air defenses. This also applies to attacks on surface ships. In the near future, Russian submarines, missile boats, and surface ships will be able to hold at risk all important sites in Europe and in the Middle East. While the nuclear subs will have the US as their potential target…We believe that the idea of placing Kalibrs in standard 40-foot containers (the Kalibr-K system) installed on civilian ships, including riverine ones. Such concealed floating arsenals can operate on seas and rivers unnoticed. Club-S export version is also enjoying success. It has been installed on more than twenty diesel-electric submarines delivered to Algeria, Vietnam, India, and China. Iranian sailors are casting covetous gazes at them.


The West clearly understands the power of the Kalibr system. Not for nothing did they name it the “Sizzler.”

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.3664554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Haven't you heard its a battle of words, the poster bearer cried


Street Artists Hit Downtown Los Angeles with “Tijuanification in Progress” Signs – Courtesy of CA Democrats


“Tijuanification in Progress”

Street artists in Los Angeles posted signs overnight in blighted downtown areas of the city that read “TIJUANIFICATION IN PROGRESS – A gift from GAVIN NEWSOM and the CA Democrats* Paid For By Your Taxes”. The name “Gavin Newsom” was a sticker covering “Governor Brown”.


The artists said they were “alarmed by the destruction being wrought on a city and state that is effectively run by one corrupt political party. The Democrats are an organized crime racket that steals tax money for their own virtue-signaling projects while 3rd-world diseases like Typhus spread unabated. It’s time for Californians to wake up to the disaster that is single-party rule.”


Under Democrat rule homelessness is rampant, poverty is on the rise and the former “Golden State” is hemmorrhaging its middle class.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.3664591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senior delegations from Russia and China are meeting with top Venezuelan officials on Monday in Caracas to work on, as Bloomberg put it, “a plan to stem the brutal economic collapse” of their key Marxist ally in South America. The state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., or PdVSA, not so coincidentally, happens to have a $949 million bond payment due on Monday, and those officials from Russia (which provided a lifeline to Maduro’s dictatorship a year ago by rescheduling some $3 billion of Maduro's debt) were there to make sure they got their money. Investors, now called speculators, are owed an estimated $7 trillion by Maduro’s bankrupt regime.


According to Russia’s Finance Ministry spokesman Andrey Lavrov, the Russian team will “provide assistance to Venezuela in developing measures to manage the economy in a crisis situation.” Rather like asking an alcoholic for advice on how to kick the habit, remedies from Russia and China aren’t likely to help the average citizen.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.3664630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4708

Chinese Economy Slowing Down, Government Denies It


Thanks to efforts by the Chinese communist government to rein in the country’s horrendous national debt (300 percent of the country’s total annual output of goods and services), the Chinese economy was already slowing. According to “official” numbers released earlier this week (always questionable if not outright false), the economy grew by 6.5 percent in the third quarter on an annualized basis, down from 6.7 percent in the second quarter, and down from 12.2 percent just eight years ago.


The panic among top Chinese communist officials is palpable: Central Bank Chief Yi Gang described the state of the command economy as “moving forward” while dismissing declines in the stock markets as not reflective of the real state of China’s economy.


Most investors, on the other hand, consider the stock market as a forward-looking tool as bets are placed based on anticipated future performance of the companies behind the stocks being traded. For the record, the Shanghai Composite (made up of all the stocks traded on the Shanghai stock exchange) has lost nearly 23 percent so far this year, while shares traded on the smaller, tech-heavy Shenzhen stock exchange are off by a third.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3664660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Globalists and Communists Converge at Davos-sponsored Tech Summit in China


President Donald Trump has initiated a new round of tariffs on China, in response to what he has described as “economic aggression” against the United States by the Beijing regime. Meanwhile top leaders of the U.S. and global business, technology, and banking communities were in China last week celebrating with the communist aggressors. From September 18-20, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held its 12th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, under the theme, “Shaping Innovative Societies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” in Tianjin, China. The WEF has become a leading evangelization chorus for a New World Order, a globalist scheme for world government that has become the shared vision of billionaire elites at Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google, as well as their corporate counterparts in China.


Listed as “partners” for the event were such western corporate giants as Allianz, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Barclays, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, BP, Chevron, Cisco, Citi, Credit Suisse, Dell Technologies, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, Facebook, GE, Goldman Sachs, Google, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Morgan Stanley, PayPal, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Thomson Reuters, UPS, Visa, Volkswagen, and Zurich Insurance Group. Joining them in this venture were Chinese titans Alibaba, Dentsu Group, China Minsheng Investment Group, Hanwha Energy Corporation, Huawei Technologies, Tsinghua Holdings Co., and more.


Naturally, the American “mainstream” news media were either AWOL on the WEF summit, or were complicit in presenting it, essentially, as rip-and-read PR releases from China’s Communist Party propagandists.


Among the articles CNBC carried on the Tianjin conference, for instance, was one titled “Everyone could learn from China's tech policies, World Economic Forum says,” by CNBC staff writer Evelyn Cheng. “The World Economic Forum is looking to China for ideas on how governments can appropriately regulate the technologies of the future,” Cheng writes. “The organization, which runs the annual conference of world leaders in Davos, Switzerland, announced Wednesday it is launching a hub in Beijing for government officials, businesses and academics to come up with suggestions for future policies on developments such as artificial intelligence.”


“The group in the communist country will mark the third location of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which opened in San Francisco in March 2017,” Cheng reports, noting that a WEF hub was opened in Tokyo in July, and another is scheduled to open in Mumbai, India, in October.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3664752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iranian intelligence service suspected of attempted attack in Denmark


COPENHAGEN (REUTERS) - Denmark said on Tuesday (Oct 30) it suspected an Iranian intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition figure on its soil.


A Norwegian citizen of Iranian background was arrested in Sweden on Oct 21 in connection with the plot and extradited to Denmark, Swedish security police said.


The Norwegian has denied the charges and Teheran also rejected the allegations on Tuesday.


The attack was meant to target the leader of the Danish branch of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz (ASMLA), Danish intelligence chief Finn Borch Andersen said.


ASMLA seeks a separate state for ethnic Arabs in Iran's oil-producing southwestern province of Khuzestan.


"We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence agency planning an attack on Danish soil. Obviously, we can't and won't accept that," Andersen told a news conference.


Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi dismissed the accusations.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3664799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pave Hawk Hit Steel Cable in Iraq, Causing Fatal Crash: Air Force


A U.S. Air Force HH-60 Pave Hawk slammed into a steel cable in western Iraq in March, causing the helicopter to tangle and crash, killing all seven airmen on board, according to a new investigation report.


An Accident Investigation Board report released Monday says the Pave Hawk, assigned to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, was part of a two-aircraft formation flying toward Al Qaim, Iraq, on March 15. The mission objective was to position a helicopter landing zone closer to ground operations, according to the document.

Anonymous ID: 5d32da Oct. 30, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3664929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Tim Ball: Why People Continue To Believe Global Warming Hoax


Technocracy is defined as “the science of social engineering”, which is no science at all. The use of ‘science’ as a tool for social manipulation is thoroughly confusing to most people until they understand the motive behind the deception. ⁃ TN Editor


It’s difficult to convince people that the science behind the claim of human-caused global warming is wrong. The technocrats developed their own language and technical terms to protect their control over the information; to make people pay a higher price for their services; to ensure they remain unaccountable for their actions. The three lawsuits filed to silence me from explaining their science in ways the public could understand, and all came from technocratic members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). After you successfully convince the people about the deceptive use of science, you confront a more difficult problem. You must explain the motive to people who can’t believe that scientists would corrupt science, use it for a political agenda, or that a few people can fool the world.


It is 28 years since Channel 4 in the UK produced The Greenhouse Conspiracy. It covered all the things that were wrong with the AGW theory. They are still valid, but now time-tested. Unfortunately, most people still don’t understand how it disproves the theory, despite all the efforts to educate people about the misuse of science. The bureaucratic technocrats, including those funded by them, who created and promote the deception, rarely respond to scientific challenges. Why bother when the public doesn’t understand? However, they respond when you discuss the motive behind their actions.