Anonymous ID: 10bf6d Oct. 30, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.3665365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5452



D.C. lobbyist (Burkman) calls Donald Trump 'a joke,' demands GOP field stiffen spines on same-sex marriage


A top D.C. lobbyist has taken out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Daily News Wednesday calling GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump “a joke” and challenging all Republican candidates to take a stiffer stand in the second presidential debate opposing same-sex marriage and other indications he sees of moral decline.


Jack Burkman, founder of Burkman Associates, which he bills as one of the most active lobbying forms in Washington, decried the amount of time Americans spend focusing on “Caitlyn Jenner and the ‘transition.’ ” Mr. Burkman said that’s proof Americans have “lost our moral compass” and a call to arms for GOP candidates.


“Those of you with anemic poll numbers might want to listen up: You could get a bump if you did speak your mind on moral decay (of course depending on what you say),” Mr. Burkman says in the ad.


Mr. Burkman made waves last year by leading a call to pass legislation banning gay athletes from taking jobs with National Football League teams, in the wake of Michael Sam trying to join an NFL squad.


In his ad, which his operation said was running in the L.A. Daily News the day that the GOP field would be at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, Mr. Burkman called out several candidates by name.