What did he know about Marine Bob in Boston?
All claims of sexual misconduct must be believed without further proof!
No, it's glowfaggots.
Diversity is our greatest weakness.
That's faggoty.
Gavin Newsom is a piece of shit like Soetero.
Can you throw him down a steep flight of concrete steps to find out?
Go vote again.
Just like when Jill Stein exposed massive vote fraud in Detroit. So we can fix it. Kek.
No matter who she is, or what she says, or whatever the lack of evidence, we must believe her. Does Mueller drink too much?
It's a strictly non-partisan investigation being conducted by Marine Bob, an honorable public servant for decades and a registered Republican.
Yes, you can.
My first guess too.
This dirty cuck helped McStain throw the 08 election to a foreign traitor.
Wont be retroactive, legal changes very seldom work like that.
1) *suspicious packages
It's a sign you are on track.
I'm in Cal and I'm shilling "Vote out all incumbents." Everybody knows inherently that the state is failed and the demoncrats are the incumbents.
Could be to hold ALL border detainees for quick deportation. Build the fucking Wall, shit!
Keep talking Quasimodokillary.
Build that wall, right in front of them. They will leave.