Hollywood is being exposed for the communist, infiltrated, mockingbird, cesspool of child raping scum bags! I pray for their souls but may Gods vengeance be swift and harsh if they refuse!
Instead of hangings I would think millstones tied around their necks and dropped off into the deep sea ALIVE would be a rather mild form of reaping what they have sown against the youth!
Many people suck on the cocks of other people and idol worship them. It's rather sick pathology in my opinion but obviously something that herd mentality does. Even those who claim to be awake….. prove themselves to be more in twilight between half awake and half asleep still.
I like that….. still…. adorn their necks with millstones all the same because once they splat in the small chance they survive they get to think on it a bit more as they sink!
What if I told you that when the mind locks onto a pattern…… it is fully aware of time that you may not be conscious of. All you are doing is reacting to a suggestion about numbers…… it's called mind control and new age magicians use it. This is just one small example of the power of suggestion.
I've noticed most of the so called "blacks" that are screaming the loudest about white privilege and evil white man are either in a relationship or married to a white person. Go figure WTF is that all about?
Produce or STFU!
Well you are wrong there but whatever you think you know!