Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.3668103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8235 >>8695

Things are getting interesting in YEMEN


We had a barrage of images of starving children in the last few months in Yemen. See image 1 all pushed by MSM claiming that the bombings by the US/Saudi coalition is causing this plus killing bus loads of children etc image 2


The UN has been accusing the US/Saudi coalition of war crimes and placing blame on them for all the problems.


Then yesterday the coalition announce it has fighters ready for the attack on the red sea port.


Saudi-led Coalition Deploys 10,000 Fighters Near Yemen’s Al-Hudaydah Ahead Another Attempt To Capture Strategic Port

On October 30, an unnamed military official from the Saudi-backed government located in Aden told AFP that the coalition would deploy reinforcements to the Red Sea coast ahead of a new offensive on Hudaydah “within days.” The source added that coalition forces are already working to “secure” areas near al-Hudaydah.

The port city is the last major hub allowing Anslar Allah to receive supplies, including food and medicine, for the part of the country controlled by the movement. If the port city is captured by the coalition, the already existing humanitarian crisis in northwestern Yemen will become even worse.


Then the fight begins and the UN then blames the US/Saudi coalition of trying to take the red sea port and therefore stopping UN aid getting thru??? But no aid is getting thru anyway???????


Arab Coalition Strike Kills 150 Houthis Near Hodeidah

A strike by the Arab coalition fighting Houthis in Yemen killed 150 rebels near the port city of Hodeidah, a spokesman for the Saudi-led forces said Tuesday.

The missile and bomb attack hit a Houthi training camp, Col. Turki Al-Malki said. The coalition of mostly Gulf Arab nations has been carrying airstrikes in Yemen in support of the country’s government since 2015. UN aid chief Mark Lowcock has warned that fierce clashes for the Red Sea port were blocking a crucial road used by food convoys to feed northern Yemen. Half of the country’s population, he said, will soon be on the brink of famine.


So WTF if the UN has access to the port now why are all the children starving????

The answer to this is quite simple.

THE UN and DYNCORP are exploiting the Yemen population and blaming everyone else for it. See my previous digs here on the cabal human trafficking



>>3592230 , >>3592247 , >>3592381 HUMAN TRAFFICKING NETWORKS (LIFE EXTENSION)

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.3668462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YIKES: Leftists Lose Their Minds, Bash The New York Times After Beto O'Rourke Exposé


Don't touch their beloved Beto!


Leftists on social media lost their minds Monday after The New York Times released an exposé, detailing Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) Democratic challenger, Beto O'Rourke's, early career in real estate development, and revealing for the first time this campaign that O'Rourke isn't a blue collar hero but rather the son-in-law of a billionaire.


The NYT reports that O'Rourke's father-in-law proposed gentrifying a neighborhood in El Paso by force, bulldozing public housing to make way for restaurants, a shopping district, and an art walk. Beto, the Times claims, served as the "pretty face" for the plan while also serving in city government, and often tangled with low-income El Paso residents protesting the plan.


“What might not have been entirely clear to everyone at the meeting was that the plan’s success was largely dependent on the city’s ability to convince property owners in the most blighted areas to turn over their holdings to the private trust. In the case of recalcitrant owners, eminent domain would be used," the Times reported.


Beto, who was an El Paso councilman at the time his father-in-law was looking to make the big changes, eventually abstained from voting on the matter, but not until after it was pointed out that publicly defending the development was, for Beto, a conflict of interest.


The New York Times is, by no means, a right-leaning publication, and is likely pulling — perhaps quietly — for Beto O'Rourke to unseat Ted Cruz. But leftists lashed out immediately, regardless, accusing the paper of trying to tank Beto's upstart campaign just days before Election Day.


Looks like the NY Times is now supporting Ted Cruz by printing this article the week before the election. Seriously, this is right up there with the timing of the erroneous "There's nothing to this Trump and Russia" story. It seems it may be time to cancel my subscription again.

— Carol Livingston (@clivingsbkk) October 29, 2018


Clearly @nytimes got the memo that #Beto is a threat to #TedCruz so they’re all in to stop him. Not this time we are on to you #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

— Maxine Baptiste (@brownsugar7878) October 29, 2018


The NYT thinks it’s 1998 and that people like Beto and Gillum aren’t running against actual Nazis

— Jake Honig (@jakehonig) October 29, 2018


Some Twitter users even compared The New York Times's "hit job" on Beto to a piece the paper published on a suddenly re-opened investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information, a development that happened just days before the 2016 Presidential election, through no fault of The New York Times.


Nice. Just two years almost to the day after you torpedoed Hillary's campaign by amplifying a right wing talking point that proved to be a big fat nothing.

— Soros-funded Deep State operative (@ExGOPer) October 29, 2018


Genuinely disappointed in your hatchet journalism. But her emails… the timing you chose to release such an inconsequential “story” makes me sick to my stomach….

— (@Jenn2017NY) October 29, 2018


@nytimes Pathetic!! Waiting for the article about her emails. The timing is about right.

— martha abou el ella (@no1marty) October 29, 2018


The good news for the NYT, at least, is that it probably won't be held responsible for Beto O'Rourke's likely loss to Ted Cruz. Despite raking in more than $38 million just last quarter (and spending $22 million of that), O'Rourke is running at least 6 points behind the incumbent Republican in most polls.

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.3668481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=Florida Man with “Intense Blood Lust” Wanted to Rape, Cannibalize Baby, Sheriff Says


The Brevard County Sheriff's Office in Florida arrested a deranged man who they say wanted to rape and cannibalize a small child - and bragged about it to undercover Deputies.

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.3668494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oregon Could Elect Its First Republican Governor In Nearly Four Decades


Oregon voters are on the cusp of putting a Republican in the state governor’s mansion for the first time in nearly 40 years. Such a move would break convention and shift a reliably blue state into a win for the GOP.


Many Oregonians and some conservative critics believe Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has not moved forcefully enough to close a yawning $22 billion public pension deficit. So, they’re looking at Brown’s opponent Knute Buehler, a two-term representative in the state who has criticized President Donald Trump in the past. His moderate tone is gaining some steam.


“This is the first candidate I’m crossing party lines for in 20 years,” Danielle Miller, a mortgage loan officer who voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, told The Wall Street Journal Sunday. “Oregon is so behind in so many ways … under our current leadership.”


Oregon would join the handful of states Clinton won in 2016 that have Republican governors. The race is still tight, with recent polls showing Brown ahead by less than 5 percentage points. RealClearPolitics, Cook Political Report, and other polling outfits are rating the race a “toss up.”


Brown, meanwhile, was appointed in 2015 after her predecessor John Kitzhaber resigned amid an ethics scandal. She was elected on her own merit with 51 percent of the vote in 2016, but a school funding crisis, the state’s chronic homelessness, and high taxes are threatening to overcome her liberal pedigree.


“People in this state are getting tired, especially urban, educated well-to-do people,” Elliott Moore, a lifelong Democrat who plans to vote for Buehler, told reporters. “He’s not perfect but I think he is willing to have a conversation about what we need to fix in this state that wasn’t being had.”


Part of Buehler’s success so far is his willingness to etch out a moderate tone — he wrote in Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich in the 2016 presidential election “What I have demonstrated in my district is you can put together that diverse group of people,” Buehler told reporters in an interview discussing his belief that climate change is real and moderate stance on abortion.


Brown’s campaign is working to paint Buehler as an arch-conservative on issues like the environment and abortion rights — she’s also elevating his support for a ballot measure that would repeal Oregon’s sanctuary state law. The state sets the benchmark for being flagrantly opposed to Trump’s immigration reforms.


Oregon was a sanctuary state before anybody used the word to describe how states work, or refuse to work, with the federal government on immigration enforcement. The state legislature passed a law in 1987 that blocked the state’s police departments from using any resources to arrest or detain people wanted on immigration violations.

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.3668516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695

Chinese Intelligence Officers and Their Recruited Hackers and Insiders Conspired to Steal Sensitive Commercial Aviation and Technological Data for Years

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.3668531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8544 >>8744

Businessman Indicted for Conspiring to Bribe Senior Government Officials of the Republic of Haiti

Anonymous ID: 655248 Oct. 30, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3668551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8609

GQ Writer Issues On-Air Apology After Saying Trump Has Radicalized "More People Than ISIS"


GQ writer Julia Ioffe issued an apology Monday after claiming President Trump has "radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did."


"I think, you know, this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radicalization, and this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did," said Ioffe on CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper."


CNN's David Urban immediately pushed back, saying "That's just…it's unconscionable for you to say that."


Ioffe pressed on: "The way he talks–the way that he allows these…the way he winks and nods to these groups. The way he says, ‘I know I’m not supposed to say it, but I’m a nationalist.’ The way that he hems and haws, when he has to condemn these people, and kind of, gritting his teeth, kind of, says, fine, okay, ‘I condemn this."


At this point, Urban called out Tapper for not pushing back on Ioffe's comments, saying "For you not to push back on that, is irresponsible," adding, "That’s irresponsible. For her to say that the President of the United States has radicalized more people than ISIS is irresponsible.”