Understand inflammation and what causes it. Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, and animals that eat fruits veggies and nuts are anti-inflammatory and the rest is pro-inflammatory. Corn's not a vegetable and Peanuts aren't nuts. Inflammation is responsible for Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression, Syndrome X, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, etc. etc. etc.
It's all about the Omega 3/Omega 6 fatty acid ratio in the phospholipid bilayer of your cell membranes. Should be 3 to 1 or less. Typical American diet is 20 to 1. (20 6 for every one 3). I think of it like a car's air-fuel mixture. get it wrong and you have poor performance, poor fuel economy, high exhaust = inflammation.
Can vegetarian work? yes
Can Keto work? yes
Can Paleo work? yes
Usually try to keep my opinions positive and save space for everyone, but I let it slip tonight. Soy is very pro-inflammatory.
Before you come at me with the Asian response, please see what Dr Seaman has to say about that question. He lays out the science, then with critical thinking addresses the yeah buts and what abouts.