This is all very simple: you may not realize it, but you are living through the biggest event in the 3000+ years of the West, The Battle of Tours, Moses giving the laws on Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, Fall of Rome, etc., this is all washed away by the Islamic conquest of Europe and the Aztec/Islamic peoples conquering the USA. There is no pretext of rational benefit from this revolution, just raw power politics and malice. That we can’t even discuss this revolution in polite society is beyond comprehension. Instead, there’s unending gas-lighting and silencing. It’s a daily struggle for even the sober minded to maintain sanity. That people will resort to unhinged terrorism against this revolution is regrettable, but perfectly predictable.
I’ve feared this happening for years and my fellow Altjews have tried to mollify anger, but there’s not much you can do when the rest of US Jews are so maddening. Props to Netanyahu and his support of Orban, but the cold hard ethnohistory is that about 95% of US Jews are descended from Russian refugees. They arrived here impoverished and ignorant of Western politics. They were weaponized off the boat by an alleged Sabbatean (a Jewish Satanist) named Rabbi Steven Samuel Wise (the “Red Rabbi”), who converted Reformed and “Conservative” Judaism into the de facto “Democratic Party at Prayer.” Boss Tweed weaponized the Irish in a similar fashion, but Wise, through his impact on Reformed/Conservative theology, had a more profound and lasting impact. Many one to three generations from this cohort will sympathize with the Hondurans trying to invade our country and think it hypocritical not to back other refugees.
It’s notable that all the deceased were elderly, and that young Jewish men are surprisingly right wing. The “Ostjuden” are finally learning the truth about the Left in the West. Hopefully times will change, and these cohorts of Jewry trapped in the past will leave the stage soon for a younger generation.
I'm a thieving fag…I stole this from a blog… Chateau Heartiste. Who'e owner I am sure frequents these boards.