I think "Todd Bergun," Coast Guard caller the day of the JFK Jr. crash is actually JFK Jr. It also sounds like the same voice from a recent professional Q explanation vid.
I know we have Q, Q+, and R, but wasn't there also an X?
Side of face comparison with Fusca. You decide.
Awesome. Redpilling by word of mouth. My grandma, rest her soul, never believed the moon landings. Looks like she was redpilled long ago.
Look at the bow (front) of the boat.
Why did Robert Kennedy Jr. tweet this on July 16? Who is the guy in the Anonymous mask/Where's Waldo beanie? Who's the young guy?
Why is JFK Jr.'s single-engine Cessna flying in and out of Quantico Marine Base where Marine One, the presidential helicopter, is stationed?
Why is the JFK Jr. Memorial Magazine "Vol. 18" when there is only one volume ever produced?
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