thank you, Baker
is this fucking e bot spam ?
did you eat it ?
it was probably a Borg cube….resistance is futile
hello R larpershill
and ?????
you need to solder the positive flumblegibbet to the negative post of the crosstransverse axle combobulator
thank you baker
nice, please save some candy for anons
Q posts indicated that news would come out just before the elections that would be so gross and disgusting and enormously evil, that Dems would be consigned to history…..
I was thinking it would be the Wiener insurance video: of Hillary and Huma raping ane eating the 8 yr old girl
hmmmmm interdasting
nice one
I want to speak to Inspector Buthurt, please.
>What be you problem?
Inspector Butthurt, it's Bob Mueller here.
I had lunch with HRC today and she interfered with my privates during the entree.
Also, she insisted I change her diaper.
Is this sexual harassment ?
Thank you in advance.
Signed: Bob M.
I miss old Songbird…….the old fart
>wormhole to travel to other galaxies.
I read where the US military has a real Stargate, you just transport immediately to another star system
supposedly they reverse engineered another stargate to look at the future/past
Project Looking Glass
>Is that a eye of Horus tat on her right wrist?
Dunno, but…..
If you look closely, you can detect an Illuminati tattoo on her cooter
ShareBlue is running out of money.
Soros spent it all on the mexican caravan.
I only get 5c per post these days.
well, duh, I get it now, thanks totes for everything anon
I think it's Tony Podesta…..