Anons, this election is going to be a blow-out. I'm telling ya now. But we still have to get off our asses and vote. deal? deal. We still have to vote.
lol. I'm NY so can't vote early. still laughing at Trump calling Gillum a Thief. lmao. Oh God. too much.
who is Aunt Flow?
you stupid effing retards. 30 million women voted for Trump. BOOMERS. No flows. Ya bunch of faggots.
geezus. she almost looks just like me (but I'm much preetier) and my neice. I really think we are part of the Cherokee Nation cause we have high cheek bones and deserve free college.
show me your dick first.
lmao. ya see this is why we need people like me to call out an asshole. We should have a list of assholes.
a cat. well you showed me.