Captain Green (RIP) [marker] SOLVED
Submitted for your approval is another [marker] SOLVED. I've solved 4 [markers] just this week, 5 if you count the DJT Keystone tweet. Business is boomin!
I will reply to this post with the following updates so everyone is caught up on my work from this last week: Master [marker] graphic, the DJT Keystone tweet, and the Spiderweb map theory. Board wouldn't let me attach them all together (prob too big).
>I am about 95% sure of the correctness of everything on the [marker] graphic.
>DJT Keystone tweet is 75% Seems right but it's complex so I'm allowing room for errors I may have made. Look it over again and see what you think.
>The Spiderweb theory is an important abstract concept to consider, which I think was proven by all the great content it inspired anons to make, and also the nuclear shill bomb that went off when I first posted it. That being said, it is just a working theory with not much hard methodology attached yet.
I need a vacation (or just some sleep).