Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.3678386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655

San Francisco Votes to Starve Itself of Water to Spite Trump; Backs Bay-Delta Plan


The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously 11-0 on Tuesday to endorse California’s new Bay-Delta plan, which will restrict the city’s water supply. The reason: to spite President Donald Trump’s water policy.


The State Water Resources Control Board is set to vote November 7 — the day after the midterm election — on a new plan that will require the rivers in the San Joaquin watershed to maintain 40% of unimpeded flow levels from February to June, more than twice the current amount of water. That means taking more water from farmers — and from the city of San Francisco itself, which relies on water from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir on the Tuolume River.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.3678491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8596 >>8717

Mark Zuckerberg Promises Facebook Will Crack Down on ‘Hate Speech’ Ahead of Midterm Elections


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated recently that the upcoming U.S. midterm elections will be “a real test” of the company’s ability to crack down on “hate speech” and misinformation.


The Hollywood Reporter stated in a recent article that Facebook will make its biggest increase in money spent to combat “hate speech” and misinformation on its platform this year, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg stated that despite Facebook’s increased expenditure, the company still won’t be as “dialed in as well as everyone would like us to be,” in relation to security and influence campaigns on the platform.


Zuckerberg stated that the social media firm will “never be perfect” at safeguarding users data — an issue that Facebook has had extensive problems with over the past year. The CEO stated that there is no “silver bullet” that would fix the issue of user data leaks.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.3678516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8618

Facebook Approves Ads from Vice News Posing as All 100 Senators


Vice News received approval to publish Facebook ads in the names of every U.S. senator in a further illustration of the weakness of the social media giants “paid for” attribution system for political ads.


A recent report from Vice News showed how easily Facebook’s new political advertising tools can be manipulated with little to no verification by Facebook. The social media giant added a mandatory “Paid For” disclosure to political ads in May, which aimed to provide further clarity to the origin of political advertisements on the website. Instead, it appears that this mandatory field can be used to spread misinformation.


Now Vice News has shown once again how easily the political advertising system can be fooled, this time by posing as 100 U.S. senators and successfully running advertisements indicating they were “paid for” by each senator.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.3678533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8542

Third Migrant Caravan Forms in Central America Heading for U.S. Border


As Mexican authorities continue to deal with two separate migrant caravans on both sides of their southern border, a third began its journey from El Salvador on Wednesday.


While the first two migrant caravans began in Honduras, the third started north from the capital of El Salvador, Reuters reported. The group is believed to be made up of about 2,000 individuals including men, women, and children. The third caravan comes at a time of escalating tensions where the two previous groups clashed with Mexican police forces at the border with Guatemala.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.3678556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Serial Rape in Arizona


An alleged serial rapist reportedly living in the U.S. illegally attacked at least seven Phoenix area women in a year, local police say.


Phoenix Police arrested an illegal immigrant identified as Isaias Jimenez-Perez, 35, late last month after DNA results and positive photo identification by victims determined he was involved in a series of attacks, according to a local report. Breitbart law enforcement sources indicated that Jimenez-Perez is originally from Mexico. Investigators were reportedly able to connect a series of attacks to Jimenez-Perez after detectives noticed a pattern between cases. The victims also described the suspect as speaking in broken English.


According to police, the first incident occurred on October 5, 2017, where he allegedly sexually assaulted a prostitute in a small shed near 27th and Glendale Avenues. Jimenez-Perez was reportedly armed with a butcher knife.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3678582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695

Gab Standard: Twitter Failed to Act on Hundreds of Death Threats from Mail Bombing Suspect


Twitter allowed Cesar Sayoc, the man who allegedly sent apparent bombs to public figures around the country this month, to post more than 240 threats towards 50 different people on its social network without sanction. Meanwhile, the media managed to temporarily force free speech social network Gab offline after it was revealed that the Tree of Life Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting suspect had an account on the platform.


According to CNN, an analysis discovered that “Sayoc tweeted more than 240 threats directed to at least 50 public officials, news organizations and media personalities.”


“The threats, and Twitter’s apparent inaction regarding them, raise new questions regarding social media and radicalization,” CNN declared, adding, “In this instance, Twitter may well have provided Sayoc with the material that radicalized him, and then it stood idly by as that radicalization led to hundreds of threats.”


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.3678616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8628 >>8634

DNA Evidence: Migrant Arrested After Sex Assaults on Women, Animals in City Already Rocked by Migrant Gang Rapes


German police in Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, have arrested a migrant male after DNA evidence linked him to several sexual assaults and cases of animal welfare abuse committed over the course of two years.


The arrest in the south-western German city was triggered after officers conducted what a police press release praised as “meticulous” forensic work in matching DNA samples taken from several crime scenes. In the first of three sexual assaults linked to the arrest of the unnamed 28-year-old Eritrean migrant, a 30-year-old German woman was attacked in late May of 2018.


A second case took place in mid-June, when DNA evidence was again found at an attempted sexual assault on a 31-year-old woman in the city. The most recent incident came in July, when a 20-year-old woman was attacked in a house with “sexual intent.”


Yet the investigation took an unusual turn when the assaults were also linked to a farm attack near the town. The 2017 contravention of the Animal Welfare Act saw sheep and goats “sexually targeted,” with DNA evidence left behind by the suspected perpetrator which was subsequently matched by the police database to the Freiburg attacker.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.3678628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet the investigation took an unusual turn when the assaults were also linked to a farm attack near the town. The 2017 contravention of the Animal Welfare Act saw sheep and goats “sexually targeted,” with DNA evidence left behind by the suspected perpetrator which was subsequently matched by the police database to the Freiburg attacker.

Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.3678690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8704 >>8725

Albuquerque Man Wearing Trump Shirt Turned Away from Voting


Greg Malafronte was wrongly turned away from his local Albuquerque, New Mexico, polling center on Friday morning because he was wearing a “Trump 2016” T-shirt.


When Malafronte presented his ballot to the polling staff, he was told it would not be accepted due to restrictions against wearing political apparel when voting. He was not, however, actually in the wrong. Guidelines explicitly forbid voters from wearing political messaging about candidates on the ballot — but Trump, of course, is not.


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Anonymous ID: 294d6c Oct. 31, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.3678767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MAGAbomber 'had been planning pipe bomb attacks since JULY and had saved shipping labels for packages he sent to Democrats on his laptop'


Cesar Sayoc had spent months planning to mail pipe bombs to Democrats, prosecutors have claimed

They found shipping labels saved on his laptop and searches for addresses which date back to July 28

The laptop was found inside his Trumpmobile where he had been living

Sayoc appeared in federal court on Monday for the first time in Miami, Florida

The 56-year-old appeared to mouth 'I love you' to his half-sister in the public benches of the packed U.S. district court room

He appeared tearful at times and spoke intently with his defense team led by Jamie Benjamin, while looking around the room

Attorney Jamie Benjamin said the charges 'flimsy' and accused the government of trying Sayoc in the media, forcing judgment before the case has gone to trial

It was also revealed on Monday that Sayoc kept a list of more than 100 elected officials and others, who investigators believe were intended targets


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