Anonymous ID: 4f302c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.3678122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8137 >>8139 >>8326 >>8617


Could Jon Benet Ramsey's name itself have been a part of the "magick" potency of her ritual murder?

JonBenet Ramsey Murder: Satanic Ritual Sacrifice

She had a sigel on her hand, but to my mind it's not a fish. Looks like part of it is a Saturn sigel.

The website where I found this image has been scrubbed. It came up on image search but website is gone

>>3677389 pb


No matter how many times people repeat "her brother killed her" I won't believe it. I studied the case. Read a whole book on it.


yeah, the lookalike of Hussain with Pharoah is a heavy rumor, but it gains wieght depending on how much you know. Now he's been connected to an ancient Royal lineage.

cf A. Fomenko ; falsification of the chronology of history

>>3677954 pb

RR's leaving his job. The anons know it already. Just as we knew Kavanaugh would be confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 4f302c Oct. 31, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.3678543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3678137 pb

It's was done on Christmas.

That lends weight to the notion it was a ritual.

Also, that the officials covered for the parents.

The Dad destroyed the scene on purpose.

The house was allegedly closed up.

The Mom wrote the fake note.

No consequences.

As time goes on and I learn moar about the Satanic Pedo - Sadists? Ya, And her name? No accident.

Here's a video I saw yesterday in the bread which gives an introduction to some occulted "secret ancient traditions.

"Christmas" is ~3 days from the solstice - just as the Sun begins to be "reborn" again and move from its "static" state which goes on for 3 days as it is "turning around' to start the new season. [astronomy]

So that is a "tell." Done on Christmas.

Maybe the Dad is an insider and so they fucked him by not covering up completely what happened? Or by doing it to his daughter and making it so he couldn't do anything. He's framed in a way. Even if not officially.

Maybe he was in love with his daughter and this was his test. To kill her?

As they say: the controllers make people slaves with their blackmail.

The vid explains a bit of why the sacrifices of the "Druids" whatever they are, are done on one of the cross quarter days. Or one of their New Year's Days. As is tonight.



Yeah, he'd be someone to dig on.

Likely all scrubbed by now?

Weird she was given the exact same name as her Dad. Talk about "Daddy's girl"


Thanks for the cap

Osama "bin Laden" / "bin Ladin", is one last name ,, like "Van Heusen". It's one name.

The three name thing for the patsy's? unsure how important that is.

But yeah, her name was "Patsy" wew.


I was just listening to the lyrics of the Jim Morrison song "the End" He sings he wants to hear the scream of the butterfly. I wonder what that means?

I don't agree that mind-controlled assassins are relied upon. Professionals go in to do the killing, if it's going to be done. As with the JFK. No one knows the better since the News Media is 100 % owned and controlled.

No need for that. That's just to have the patsy stand there an look stupid. I don't think they have achieved as much as people believe they have with this "programming' the human. The human is not a computational machine, but they think it is. Their assumptions are wrong. That's why they fail and why they are called stupid.

Probably "mind-controlled assassin" was a cover for what they wanted. Sex slaves.

If they want to kill someone there's no need for them to go to so much trouble?