The World at a Turning Point — Is the Human Race Morally Fit To Survive?
October 31, 2018
• LaRouche's 40 Year History
• US Presidency
Step back and view the current situation in the world as a whole. The Western world, which has been the center of world progress since the European Renaissance, is in chaos. The German government is collapsing, as both of the parties which have led that nation since World War II have lost nearly all their support across the country. Angela Merkel, who has ruled for 18 years, and was anointed the "leader of the free world" by those who fear and despise Donald Trump's efforts to form a bond of friendship with Vladimir Putin, has announced her resignation as party leader as of the CDU congress, and will likely be replaced as Chancellor in December. France's Macron is facing a similar revolt. The British can't figure out how to Brexit.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has just returned from a series of high-profile speeches and private meetings in Russia, where she found the greatest respect for Lyndon LaRouche, but also a deep-seated concern that global war were now possible. President Vladimir Putin has long warned that President Bush's dumping of the ABM Treaty in 2002 forced Russia to launch a massive research and development program to develop the necessary defenses against the missile defense systems placed in Europe, which would otherwise have given NATO a first strike capacity. Now, the announced intention to pull the U.S. out of the INF Treaty leaves them no choice but to prepare for war.
Russia's senior arms control official, Andrey Belousov, speaking at the United Nations on Friday, Oct. 26, said the following: "Here recently at the meeting, the United States said that Russia is preparing for war. Yes, Russia is preparing for war, I have confirmed it. We are preparing to defend our homeland, our territorial integrity, our principles, our values, our people — we are preparing for such a war." He articulated the Russian reasoning: "Russia is preparing for war, and the U.S. is preparing a war. Otherwise, why would the United States withdraw from the treaty, build up its nuclear potential and adopt a new nuclear doctrine?"
Last week, President Putin said that Russia would never initiate a war, but that if war were launched on Russia, there would be a devastating response, and the war would be total.