Anonymous ID: 5e965f Oct. 31, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.3679133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204 >>9267


Mid-Terms and Caravans

I know what I’m about to say won’tbe popular even with a crowd as woke as this..

However, here it is.

Luv it or hate it.


This is a Movie Q Said.

The immigrants are coming, vote republican and we will stop them. Hurry, Im sending troops. Im going to be tuff on borders.


Wall…. nope

Catch and Release still happening… Yep

First President to send troops to the border… nope

Simple Question?

Why haven’t they simply built a wall?

Drugs, Crime, Gangs.

Billions in taxpayer dollars to ICE, Homeland Security, Local, State, Fed LE to fight these plagues… Every. Damn. Year

Enough to build 5 walls.

Stop Right There

The answer is what it usually is…

money The locus of the whole argument is money and jobs with power.

How many Billions in agency funding and great paying jobs in those agencies would be lost if they simply built the wall?

Only good jobs left in this country with pensions, unions, good wages, job security, get to carry guns, play with cool gear. Billions in Funding.

Its like Cancer.

There is no money in curing th disease.

The money comes from treating it.


Those open borders keep the military police state fully operational and well funded. Period

Its great if you are on the inside. Have a job with one of those agencies. The corruption is earth shattering. Drugs, Guns, Laundered money, sex trafficking.

But the rest of Americans are paying the price… big time.

Then there’s corrections and social services, all dependant on open boerders and the war on drugs and crime with the funding it provides.


Can’t blame Potus really. He knows he had to keep the Legions happy, even at the expense of the peasants.

One of his first actions in office was to have DOJ allow police to seize property of citizens without having proved a crime.

Cars, houses, property, guns, businesses all without due process clearly against the Constitution.

Obama got 500 million in additional funding when he dealt with “his” border crisis.

(pic related)




We’re woke….. Sheep

The new Mafia is the government.

Imean we have to support our police and military. We do.

But it’s gone too far. The needs of the many will outweigh the needs of the few who are comfy in power.

Tick Tock.

Anonymous ID: 5e965f Oct. 31, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.3679367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9473 >>9504


I agree yet we also need a bad ass private sector with an American quality of life that is increasingly going diwn the shitter from 22 million illegal workers keeping the wages and benifits stagnant or even decreasing over the last 2 decades.

Its never real until it happens to you and then its too late.

Was it Ivanka that said 40% of Americans are 800 dollars away from financial crisis?

No sauce dont quote.

This isnt about giving up a strong military or police. Its about the rest of Americans.

Infastructure falling apart.

Entire generation with no retirement.

401k’s cleaned out by ponzi schemes.

Americans that work full-time and dont have the basic necessities for themselves and their families.

Smells like the same thing before the fall of Rome. the

Rant over.

I love this country.

I want America back.

Thank you for listening anon.

God Bless

Anonymous ID: 5e965f Oct. 31, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.3679459   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know Anon.

Very well defined on your part.

This is what hapens.

Nothing new under the Sun.

We need our leaders to quit it and serve the people.

I hope we are on that brink.

Otherwise we are headed for another Civil War.