Why does Rick Scott want to take guns from citizens? Why does he use a Jewish false flag as a pretext? Note where the first order was issued - Broward.
He's a Jewish stooge. As are they all.
Why does Rick Scott want to take guns from citizens? Why does he use a Jewish false flag as a pretext? Note where the first order was issued - Broward.
He's a Jewish stooge. As are they all.
Protect your second amendment rights by encouraging you all to vote for Rick Scott. Rick Scott will definitely do well in the senate where they betray the people 100-0 with the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.
Charlie Baker of Massachusetts also signed gun grab legislation into law using Parkland as a pretext.
here you go folks. after what POTUS just said about birth right citizenship they are going to double-down.
He's simply the best ever. He makes my heart beat faster
every-time I see him speak.
that's crazy talk and if they see them as Klan members or anything then it's your Jewish relatives and friends that own the media, the schools…set up the Klan etc. that are to blame.