The tried to hide
Anywhere they could
This is much bigger than you know
Hybrids cannot reproduce
It breaks my heart to bring this news
The hybrid will not reproduce
It takes a consistent splicing to keep two unlike fruit trees to make a hybrid fruit. A propagation.
You can not make a tangelo any other way. A hybrid seed of a tangelo will not grow another tangelo tree. It is barron of life.
This works into all facets of our lives. Planned Parenthood, GMO foods, child sacrifice, pedovore, Satanists, vampires, etc. They have always protected these things either through secrecy, social warfare, political positioning, etc.
Not exactly sure but I'd say the original colonists understood that and left for a new world only to be followed and/or we had a traitor in our midst. Will have to follow the crumbs backward to see where that started.
Obviously prior it didn't start at Roswell or the Federal Reserve Act signing, etc, because we know secret societies already existed prior. Skull and Bones for example. These are hybrids folks. No doubt about it. If there is a place they could have possibly hid themselves the safest position would most certainly be under the cover of religion and other ideologies. Infiltration happened long before any of us were born.
Targeted kills are most certainly involved with this. I don't know how many people per year are murdered trying to cover this up, but I'd say a large percentage. If not directly, then certainly by the cultural changes they implemented on our society.
This is huge. The answers aren't going to have a link. We are going to have to rewrite our history from a totally new understanding. The best thing I can tell you right now is that
Humans are good people.
Mind fucking blown
Thank you POTUS