Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.3683415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3574 >>3777 >>3786 >>3982 >>4070

Brain-hacking & memory black market: Cybersecurity experts warn of imminent risks of neural implants


The human brain may become the next frontier in hacking, cybersecurity researchers have warned in a paper outlining the vulnerabilities of neural implant technologies that can potentially expose and compromise our consciousness.


While basic brain implants are already here, current science indicates we are on the brink of mastering the chemistry of memory. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy involves implanting a device into the body to send electrical impulses to electrodes specifically placed to treat neurological diseases like Parkinson’s. “Memory implants” like those featured in dystopian TV series Black Mirror will most likely be built on existing DBS architecture. Kaspersky Labs collaborated with Oxford University to test these systems for security flaws before we start linking our consciousness to them, and their report is quite illuminating.


The technology to actually control memories through such implants will be available within 20 years, according to their predictions. A DARPA-funded study was recently able to isolate memory-encoding electrical signals from humans and feed them back, boosting short-term memory performance by 37 percent.


The researchers discovered security in existing implants is weakest where it connects to other systems, like the medical management platforms used by doctors and surgeons, and where data transfer between the implant, software, and other networks takes place. The most advanced of these devices currently in use operates over BlueTooth, which while popular and easy to use is not the most secure protocol.


Their report warned that malicious actors could not only hijack the implant itself, causing pain or otherwise making the body’s systems go haywire, but once the technology becomes advanced enough, they could hold a person’s memories for ransom – forcing the victim to pay up to access their own thoughts.


Any such implant will naturally require a backdoor so they can be accessed by medical professionals in case of emergency, and the research team underscored the human problem with such a setup:  what’s to stop those medical professionals from selling access to a VIP patient’s implant, or from simply forgetting to change the factory-preset password?


Even though no attacks targeting neurostimulators have been observed in the wild, researchers warned it’s only because the technology is not yet widespread and there’s still time to fix potential vulnerabilities before it’s too late.

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.3683519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539 >>3581 >>3839 >>3924 >>3951

Senators push for chemical castration of pedophiles to protect Russian kids


Russia’s Federal Council is considering making it illegal to promote a sexual attraction to children and the introduction of forcible chemical castration as additional actions to tackle pedophilia.


Senator Elena Mizulina, who headed a Federal Council working group for improving measures to curb the abuse of minors, said that “chemical castration as a method of treatment should be allowed, based on the decision by a panel of psychiatrists.”


By ‘chemical castration’ she meant “introduction of drugs that suppress sexual desire into the human body,” the Senator said.


According to Mizulina, her group has prepared a “whole package” of amendments which include criminalizing the promotion and propaganda of pedophilia as well as lifelong administrative supervision of repeat offender pedophiles.


“We clarified the list of offenses belonging to the category of crimes against sexual integrity of minors. In the existing Criminal Code, they include crimes committed against persons under 14 years of age. We propose raising the age limit for victims and attributing crimes against sexual integrity of minors under the age of 16 to this category as well,” the Senator said.


The maximum penalty for pedophilia should also be made stricter, reaching 35 years for those sentenced on more than one occasion, she said.


Mizulina is known as an advocate of family values, who is responsible for a number of controversial initiatives, during her time as an MP in the Russian State Duma and as Senator.


She has been insisting that there was a “pedophile lobby,” which hampered the introduction of tougher punishment for sexual crimes against children.


The 63-year-old is also a strong opponent of abortion, surrogacy, which she compared to “human trafficking,” and same sex relations.

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.3683616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637


Something is better than nothing. Media attention to the problem is something.


Chemicals first.

Death next.


Society doesn't have clue about the problem.


Get it?

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.3683652   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So would a rope, bullet, samurai sword, drowning etc.


But seeing we are so "civilized" humanity would scream humanitarian rights if governments publicly killed people. You know because people are fucked in the head like that.


Let's first try this, then when society finally clues into the children as a commodity problem they will kill them themselves.


I thought you Anons were woke?

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.3683677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Party leader claims Russians would support capital punishment due to their ‘aggressive nature’


Just to prove my point.

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.3683903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fucking loathe Medic Anons. Bottom feeding barrel eaters. You don't help people. Period. You are part of the problem.


Unless you are a paramedic. Then you get props. After that. You are worse than the scum attached to the gum on the bottom of my shoe.

Anonymous ID: 156357 Oct. 31, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.3683942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If parents do not pay attention to what their children SEE. Well……….we have this. You know those days when parents talked to their children, played board games, went outside, camping , fishing, read them books. You know parent. We wouldn't have as many fucked up souls.