the JFK pics seem to be mocking the Roths by dressing up a kid as a masonic witch with black/white chessboard dress and red shoes and a witch face.
Nestle, a swiss company (cabal heartland) wants to own the WATER. And they are big in all crop foods so of course they want the honey bees gone to sell their products with more profit.
why these people are not hunt down and shot on the spot is beyond me.
Shifting letters in names and words often indicate bypassing centuries. so Kazak and Kazarian are most probably the same thing to different times.
her eyes look that way because there is a light source in the upper left corner of her eyes casting that white spot. angle of light changes faces completely, dont believe me, hold a light unter your chin.
Mandy Blank, fitness trainer of the stars, found dead in bathtub. she was 42 years old.