Anonymous ID: f5ee3d Nov. 1, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.3685742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5780 >>5988 >>6051 >>6329

Repost from previous bread as requested.

RE: NZ bunkers question.

I posted some info on NZ bunkers awhile back and will locate and repost.


I hope it's New Zealand! I really do and I'm a Kiwi! Involved as secondaries in the attempted overthrow of President Trump and I can only assume we also provided intel for attempted assassinations plus we're a bolthole for the elites!


Perversely (I suppose) I want vast amounts of punishment to be heaped upon us for our crimes to wake the sheeple up and break that damn sleepy and all pervasive 'She'll be right mate', 'No worries' attitude!


Just a few Enemy Combatants.

Former NZ PM Sir John Key (National Party)

Former NZ PM Mr Bill English (National Party)

Current NZ PM Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern (Labour Party AKA Progressive Socialist Party)


AND former NZ PM Ms Helen Clark (Labour) who's also the former UN administrator (2009-2017) for the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and basically the creator of UN Agenda 2030 otherwise called Post-2015 Development Agenda!


Cut from a rough document I'm currently compiling -

On Helen Clark's UN Watch.

1) Started agenda 2021 / 2030 via the UNDP as Post-2015 Development Agenda.

2) Haiti – Cholera epidemic from Nepalese (deliberate or accidental?) Peacekeepers + subsequent vaccination from 2010 - 2017 approx. UN lies about the alleged cause – blames climate change. When asked about compensation avoids question. Compensation paid?

3) Peacekeeper sexual abuse. How many?

4) Kenyan sterilisation of ~500k women/girls via tetanus vaccinations.

5) Over-vaccinations causing outbreaks of polio via polio vaccinations etc.


She's also Ms Jacinda Arderns mentor!


Thanks to former NZ PM Sir John Key (a progressive) the Chinese practically own NZ now and even have an MP in the National Party. It's the Uniparty here with both National and Labour AKA Progressive Socialist Party almost one and the same. National is corporate capitalism while 'Labour' the socialist engineering part of the equation.


This has been posted before.

US Ambassador warns NZ not to trust China


‘The United States Ambassador to New Zealand says we should be wary of China's growing influence here.

New Zealand is a small country caught in a gravitational pull between the world's two superpowers, China and the United States, both of which have a strong influence over the Government's foreign policy approach.

US Ambassador Scott Brown believes New Zealand should look to the US as a more trusted ally than China. He answered questions from Kiwis on RadioLIVE on Wednesday morning, where he defended the United States' history of perceived international meddling.’


From an older post-

NZ labelled 'soft underbelly' of Five Eyes spy network in Canadian report


‘For the second time in a week, New Zealand has been singled out as a soft target for Chinese influence.

Last week, a Senator and ex-CIA analyst told a US congressional hearing New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, which has "gotten very close to or inside the political core".’

Anonymous ID: f5ee3d Nov. 1, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.3685751   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Plus additional links on the page–


1 - Former CIA analyst says New Zealand should be kicked out of Five Eyes alliance


‘A United States Congress hearing has been told New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, with one former CIA analyst suggesting we be kicked out of the Five Eyes alliance.

Senator James Talent alleged at the hearing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has "gotten very close to or inside the political core" of both New Zealand and Australia. He claimed he's heard allegations of "Beijing-linked political donors buying access and influence with party politicians" to incentivise the country to "parrot its line on issues it deems important".’


2 - Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand

This link no longer exists and now re-directs to the third link.


3) China's influence over New Zealand at 'critical level' - academic


‘A New Zealand academic is warning that China's influence over this country is at a "critical level".

University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady is urging the Government to act to protect the country against foreign interference.

In a policy brief published today, Ms Brady warns: "New Zealand - along with other nations - is being targeted by a concerted interference campaign by the People's Republic of China (PRC). The campaign aims to gain support for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by co-opting political and economic elites."’


Additional links -

National Party MP Jian Yang refutes 'Chinese spy' claim


then – (same day?)

National Party MP Jian Yang admits training spies


‘National Party MP Dr Jian Yang has admitted training Chinese spies so they could monitor other countries' communications - but refused to say whether this included New Zealand.

Dr Yang spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, after allegations he had studied and taught at an alleged spy school before moving to New Zealand.

He denied ever being a spy and denied ever having intelligence training, but admitted teaching students English to help them with their spying activities.’

Anonymous ID: f5ee3d Nov. 1, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.3686247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6295 >>6316 >>6329

Info on NZ Bunkers as requested.


I would have bet that they’d have been situated in the lower South Island around Queenstown but these bunkers have been shipped seemingly all over the country. Northland is well above Auckland at the top of the North Island and ‘from Wellington to a "sleepy town" on the West Coast’ most probably means the West Coast of the North Island again and not the West Coast of the South Island as it would have been easier to ship the bunker straight to the South Island town of Westport rather than Wellington. Of course depending on the size of the vessel it was shipped over on it could have gone from Wellington to Westport then on to be buried in the South Island so I can’t be certain about that at all. I’d say that the owners of these new bunkers are ‘late to the party’ so they can’t be all that important.


As to numbers. Who knows? They’ve had years/decades to prepare but I would expect that the most important Elites are hanging around Queenstown in the lower South Island as it’s an international party town with the facilities they like. Being surrounded by mountains with two easily defended ways in and out, a difficult flight path for aviation and even a very small power station on the river makes it a good choice for defense. They won’t have come alone and unarmed that’s for sure!


Unless you want to hear about Matt Lauer in NZ basically ignore the video as it’s liberal progressive so called ‘journalists’ on what passes for a news program now in NZ.


Wealthy Americans ship doomsday bunkers to New Zealand - report


‘Two 150-tonne survival bunkers have been sent to New Zealand from Texas, a report claims, as wealthy Americans target the country as a suitable doomsday retreat.

Over the past two years, seven Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have purchased survival bunkers from Rising S Company and had them sent to New Zealand, the manufacturer's general manager Gary Lynch told Bloomberg.

One of the 93sqm bunkers arrived in Auckland and was settled in Northland, while the other was transported from Wellington to a "sleepy town" on the West Coast.

Bloomberg said the New Zealand Customs Service wouldn't confirm that the bunkers - which would accommodate around 300 people - had arrived in New Zealand, because of privacy concerns.

New Zealand has been pinpointed as a popular destination "not only for those worried about impending dystopia, but for wealthy tech entrepreneurs seeking incubators for nurturing start-ups," writes Olivia Carville for Bloomberg. ‘


Dozens of bunkers possibly shipped to New Zealand could be unconsented



Mystery surrounds secret Kiwi survival bunker claims

September 14 2018

Some of the article -

‘Claims 35 underground survival bunkers have been shipped to New Zealand by mega-rich Americans fearing an apocalypse have been debunked by local authorities.

According to international media reports, US based company Rising S has manufactured, shipped and buried bunkers in New Zealand in recent months – one to the value of NZD$12.1 million.

The company's top-end models come with a gym, hot sauna, swimming pool and hot tub, game room with billiard tables, bowling alley and media room. The budget bunker, priced US$39,000, includes a bunk bed, basic air filtration system and kitchen counter.

Rising S Company general manager Gary Lynch told Stuff there were about 35 underground bunkers in New Zealand.

He would not disclose the bunkers' locations, but said the most recent shipment was late June or early July.

"They have been installed all over NZ, not only for Americans but we have also provided two shelters to New Zealand citizens as well for private security reasons."

Bloomberg's report on September 5 said five Silicon Valley executives co-owned an "escape" jet – a Gulfstream G550, one of the few jets capable of the making journey from the US to New Zealand in one haul.’

Anonymous ID: f5ee3d Nov. 1, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.3686295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6329



Older articles-

Kim Dotcom reveals New Zealand's secret super-rich apocalypse hide-out


‘The world's super-rich are gobbling up land in New Zealand in preparation for an apocalypse - and Kim Dotcom knows where their hang-out is.

The controversial multimillionaire has moved to Queenstown with his new wife Liz, and says he's not the only one.’


Mark Sainsbury: Peter Thiel's made NZ a haven for sale



Rising S Company

General Manager: Gary Lynch


Links from the pic - Queenstown Land Buyers


So, super rich Americans and other nationalities burying multimillion dollar bunkers in NZ. Silicon Valley execs with an escape jet to NZ. Well then naturally this can’t possibly be happening as there’ve been no official government/council consents granted to bury such bunkers!