She’s speaking in Australia today ffs. Calm down
Everyone replying your retarded actually is themselves. Intelligent patriots have considered the above, all outcomes have been considered. Evade and fight first, but if have to, I’ll serve a tenner at the recently converted FEMA camps, the George Washington Gulags, but I’ll do it with anons. And i will still shitpost irl there.
Was Jesus anti-Semitic?
There’s s ton actually. Check the voter roles.
Why did they pick fat chicks for this then? Fuckkk. I’m about to just vote republican. The left has gone completely retarded and the right chics are at least babes and take care of themselves.
When is /pol/ gonnA put out “Its ok to be Jewish signs” so they can show everyone the difference between that and white.
If ur not ready for it st the least, your gonna be screaming st the sky.
You would t know the truth even if it was fucking your girlfriend in the ass, for hours,on your anniversary, in front of you, on stage, recorded on camera, and everyone you knew told you. Still wouldn’t kno the truth
Irregardless, your still a moran.
You must be new here.
It’s projection. They know ((They)) are what got us to this point, and Trumps the one taking us back.
How fucking new are you?
>Debt is fake 😂
>write it off🤔
>it only hurts jews 😎
I spit my coffee out at ur absurd statements. Then…realized the obvious…your right!
You must be new here.