Do your fucking diggin, Anon. There's so much got damned corruption, the very president your state voted into office wiped out generations of funding. Oklahoma has been living off the federal teat via the backs of the working poor with kids in the home.
Because people in Oklahoma LOVE their got damned bigotry. Do you think the feds are the only ones who use psychological manipulation. You've got fucking organizations that are funneling poor and their money without any legal recourse. They have Oklahomans gloating over how pathetic and "loser" these people are. Dudes went to court and filed a fucking class action lawsuit, but the department was "untouchable". The corruption was so bad, the Supreme Court Judge who tried to rule against them hinted to lawmakers to change the law to stop the oppression.
Why do you not realize that the teacher walk-outs are but a symptom of a HUGE problem? The teachers pay grade is exactly in line with the pay grade level of the poor that the Oklahoma state government has been ripping off. Because the state feeds itself through their wealthy income tax offsets, your president fucking shut it down when he changed the tax laws. Now, these people don't pay into federal taxes. Ergo, no pay-in, no confiscation by the state of Oklahoma.
Five years passed I spoke with a friend who is an admin at the public schools. At that point, he said that Oklahoma school system was 8bln behind. That was five years go.
The tax changes cut that generational funding to the tun of billions of dollars ever year. Oklahoma is fucking broke and the politician only want to pass marijuana because they need another "sinner's tax".
That's why they're willing to look into passing it. It's the new sinner's tax. What they didn't count on is the health care companies taking piss over it, because they absolutely refuse pay for healthcare of anyone who fucking SMOKES.
I get it, it's important to get all the fucking votes we can even if it's about fucking pot.
Your asswipe attitude and lack of humility and outrage over a suggestion that Oklahoma is anything but "glorious" is exactly why the state stays in the shitter. Because - more than most- they like to fucking cannibalize their own people thereby never giving the poor a fucking chance, nor giving their own kids a fucking good start.
And nothing will change for Oklahoma, because they like their stupid.