Anonymous ID: 4cf0dd Nov. 1, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.3688776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8785 >>9337



President al-Assad: One of the biggest mistakes made by many European countries is separation from reality

President al-Assad affirmed that that one of the biggest mistakes made by many European countries is separation from reality, adding that “for any government or administration to know the things for what they are is the most important step on the road to building a correct realistic policy that helps in adopting positions and stances which serve the interests of their people and contribute to their protection.”


US: Syria Summit Took 'Huge Steps' Toward Ending War

"We are very happy with the Istanbul result," Jeffrey told journalists in Brussels "These are huge steps forward," Jeffrey said. "These would not have happened without the United States." He said US President Donald Trump had exerted diplomatic pressure by informing his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Helsinki that the US military would remain in Syria.

"We are vague on what our military would be doing there but that's a game changer," Jeffrey said. "The good news is we now have a basically frozen battlefield," Jeffrey said, without minimising the continuing fight with the last elements of the Islamic State.


Moscow: Terrorists are trying to impede implementing agreement on demilitarized area in Idleb

Zakharova said that US is occupying al-Tanf area in southern Syria, pointing out to the humanitarian disaster unfolding in al-Rukban camp for the displaced Syrians.

She went on to say that in the south of the country, the US occupied a total area of 55 km in al-Tanf, where a humanitarian disaster is unfolding in al-Rukban camp for the displaced Syrians, with the mortality rate increasing there due to the shortage of medicine and food.

Zakharova affirmed that what has been committed in Raqqa city by the United States and its allies is a new “stain” on the reputation of the United State.


Turkish And U.S. Troops Begin Conducting Joint Patrols North Of Manbij

“The joint patrols of Turkish and U.S. troops — on which we have made plans and completed training and which we said would start — began at 3:53 p.m. local time [1353GMT],” Hulusi Akar said during a speech in the Turkish Parliament.


Collective Resignations From the Deir ez-Zor Military Council

The Arab component, represented by the Deir ez-Zor Military Council, lost about 100 people in the recent battle, and dozens of the bodies of fighters were burned and mistreated by ISIS. Dozens of fighters from the Council were also captured and dozens more wounded, amid a state of neglect and a lack of necessary healthcare. Before this, Arab commanders were marginalized and the supreme word was given to Kurdish commanders. The recent battle was led by the Kurdish SDF leaders, not Arabs, which was a change to what had occurred previously, when the assault started and the SDF was able to crush ISIS east of the Euphrates.


US-made weapons uncovered in Deir Ezzor countryside




Anonymous ID: 4cf0dd Nov. 1, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3688785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9337





Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Launches New Attack From Demilitarized Zone, Kills Several Syrian Soldiers

Violating the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) announced on November 1 that its fighters had attacked a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the village of Abu Qamis in southeastern Idlib and killed three Syrian soldiers.

A source in the SAA confirmed to SouthFront that heavy clashes broke out near Abu Qmais, but declined to provide further information.


Interview With Syrian Transport Minister: Purchases Of MC-21 Passenger Jets From Russia, Re-Opening Of Border With Iraq & Other Topics

“During the last visit of Iraqi Foreign Minister [Ibrahim Jaafari] to Syria, one of the main topics discussed was opening the border. The Iraqi side promised that it would be done soon. We are ready as soon as logistics issues are solved on the Iraqi side,” Hammoud said. We believe that the reasons for which this company stopped flights [to Syria] became history. We invite Aeroflot to return to Syria and become the first international company to resume its work here,” Sputnik quoted the minister as saying. We are cooperating with the Russian side on the issue of expanding the Damascus International Airport or building a new one to replace the current one,” Hammoud stated adding that the different optinos would be evaluated. We have reached an agreement with the Russian government on establishing in Syria a center for the exports of Russian wheat to other countries in the region. In this connection, it will be necessary to expand ports in Syria and create granaries in the port area to store large volumes of Russian wheat,” the minister said. “That is why we will need a railway and roads, which will be built as part of this large-scale project.”


Turkish Defense Minister: PKK/YPG Will Be Buried In Its Own Trenches In Manbij

The terror group [YPG/PKK] is digging ditches in Manbij as they have done in Afrin, despite promises made for PKK/PYD/YPG’s withdrawal from Manbij,” the defense minister stated according to the Turksih state-run media. “The terror group should know that it will be buried in the trenches it has dug.”


The New U.S. Strategy in Syria Is Bound to Fail. Trump Wants “Regime Change” and the Withdrawal of Iranian Forces


Anonymous ID: 4cf0dd Nov. 1, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3688789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8884 >>8933 >>9164 >>9344





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