Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.369018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9031

[repost because it was at end of last bread]




The info released on the Russian in Bangkok seems to make him some kind of manager but not the big boss. Usually there are owner investors, then a big boss then the management people that run things.


So if the big boss was trying to run, the owner and investors in the business may have ordered a hit because they feared that he would talk.


The trick is to identify a name. I stumbled around a bit. I expect that it was a young man so I eliminated older people and females. Then I guessed. One guy name Ilya Stavskij was born in 1985 and there is a note "Info to be confirmed". A bit odd so I googled him.


This is what I found. There are only 3 photos BUT, click on Albums and there are more.




This guy has a lot of money for foreign travel. If you have a good idea for botany/architecture you can see that he has taken several trips to several different locations. Where does he get so much money? For a Russian, foreign trips are expensive since the 2014 devaluation of the ruble. Could this be the target.


I need help here. If someone notices this posting they could remove all these photos. Go through each album and get all the photos. They may have EXIF data inside them that identify location and time. Some look like southeast asia. How many times was he there and when? Do the other locations correspond to other countries from the DOJ bust of 36 people. Here is the full listing from the site just in case:


  1. СТАВСКИЙ Илья Геннадьевич


Информация уточняется


This is a serious request for help digging because the Uranium One idea has fizzled out. The Ivanov on the flight does not appear to be the one who was CFO of ROSATOM.


So many crooks leading us down rabbit holes. But if we can point to an individual and it correlates to the FSB findings. So far the FSB suspects something to do with deicing equipmt but that could be sabotage and lead to an airport employee and back to the Cybercrime outfit taken down by DOJ

Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.369054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9057 >>9347 >>9352 >>9383 >>9395 >>9424 >>9523 >>9531 >>9655

[An anon in last bread linked to this posting which he recommended. I think it deserves a repeat]




>How do you question someone who has superior info to yours?


That is what a lot of people are not taking into direct consideration here.


Q, being close to POTUS has a shitton more information than we do, classified info we cannot know or find.


Q team has to find a way to convey certain things to this public board -which is monitored by every intel agency in the 1st & 2nd world, friendly and not- without compromising OPSec. They have to pepper the drops with misdirection and misinformation to ensure success of the immediate mission and the overall mission.


They have to be clear enough so that the anons present will 'catch on' and dig in the right direction, hopefully make the correct inferences and connections, and hopefully be able to recognize the misdirection/misinformation at the same time.


POTUS & Q team are dealing with a gigantic operational mission: UNFUCK THE WORLD, take it back from a supremely evil cabal who has had a plan for millennia to dominate and degrade mankind. Their minions are everywhere, witting and unwitting, in governments and out. Like an invasive species they are pervasive and their touch corrupts everything. They were ahead of the game, but patriots worldwide decided that the time was NOW.


It's an enormous job.


There are a lot of moving parts.


In some ways people are predictable, but on the other hand, the least predictable things of all are humans.


It's an enormous job, and the stakes could not possibly be higher.


In any position of leadership, those below don't have all of the info the leader and his team do. Sometimes that large amount of info cannot be distilled enough to simply present it to the employees or citizens. Sometimes for security reasons. Sometimes because there is just so much it would take a long time and not everyone can grasp it. Nevertheless, that is a fact. And so, many times the employees or citizens don't understand why certain decisions are made, take issue with them, and throw stones.


People love throwing stones.


Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it's not.


It's part of being a leader - sometimes you can explain it fully, sometimes not. People will agree with your decisions sometimes, sometimes not.


In the circumstance we find ourselves in here, and now, we have chosen to trust our POTUS and his designated ensign, Q team. We trust that they have far more information than we do. We realize that due to that, some things they say or do (or those whom we have been told explicitly that we should TRUST) may be confusing, frustrating or incomprehensible to us at the moment. But we also trust that "future proves past" and we will understand as time goes on and things are revealed.


When that happens, our trust deepens - they DID know what they were doing. Now we understand what was meant by ___.


It is for every anon and normie to decide for themselves, but these are good things to keep in mind when pondering this situation.

Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.369265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9324 >>9694



You are overthinking this. Q is coinnected to MI. In Military jargon SUC means Situation Under Control

Expand your thinking

Why on earth woul Q tell us that NK was successful in making a mini-nuke and an ICBM. The ICBM info has been public for months, all over the media.


SUC means situation under control. The Pelicans need not worry about mini nukes because we have solved that problem. And nobody needs to worry about ICBMs because we also have that solved.


NK was to be the War Engine of the NWO and was to run a Protection racket to get all the nations to kowtow to the UN/NWO demands. But now that will not happen because the USA has neutered the War Engine. With no War Engine there is no Protection racket.


And I suspect that Iran was just supplying stuff to NK so now the focus is on taking out and neutralising the CIA controls in Iran using T-cells ( which hunt and destroy the bad guys). This is consistent with Wictor's tweets about the GCC who are highly trained, highly effective special forces that use very new and innovative battle techniques. They have taken out drug cartels in Brazil and Paraguay, terrorists in Lebanon and Yemen. Now Wictor has seen signs of them operatiing in Iran during the demonstrations.


This is not a game. You do not get any points for strongly held opinions. This is reality. If you don't have enough evidence then I am sorry, but your are WRONG!!! I am posting my evidence here because I might be wrong too but if I have some parts of it right, then hopefully another anon can use it to paint the full picture.

Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.369380   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I checked into some of this stuff an it is a Russian art project of sorts that is in search ive views of likes, etc. And like Hillary, he is not above cussing out people who don't give him enough votes

Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.369459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9487



North Korea Nuclear mini Situation under control

North Korea Nuclear ICBM Situation under control


Or, in North korea the Mini nuke situation and the ICBM situation are both currently under control. The war engine has been neutered and the Protection racket shut down.

Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.369567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9629 >>9633 >>9797




If the Vyacheslav Ivanov is 100% definitely positively NOT the former ROSATOM CFO then this FACT would discredit Benjamin Fulford as a reliable source. And that is a good thing because merchants of disinformation do more harm than good.


Also, discrediting them leads more people to think for themselves and not trust authorities


Anonymous ID: 461f33 Feb. 13, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.369616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is science fiction. Specifically it comes from the film Jupiter Ascending.


The elite are lucky to live to 100, howver if they did not have the treatments and organ transplants, many of them would have died in their 60s or 70s. But there are plenty of people who live into their 90s without special treatments. Some people have the right genes.


The elite are not really extending life, just compensating for their bad genes but in the end, humans live about 100 years at best except for a very small right tail of the distribution.