Does anyone else think it is possible that the Q phenomena is a device to find out how much we know and who amongst us is smart enough to see through the BS?
A bird talks in the morning to let the other birds know he survived the night and is healthy.
Elon's Space X Tesla and space man in 1981 above.
The guards, who are independent of the Swiss armed forces, are employed by the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the pope, to whom they swear fealty in a ceremony at Belvedere Court. As is common with any elite military corps, competition is intense for inclusion in the Swiss Guards. New recruits must be unmarried Roman Catholic males with Swiss citizenship, between 19 and 30 years of age, and at least 5 feet 8 inches (1.74 metres) tall; they must have a professional diploma or high school degree and must complete basic training with the Swiss military. (Historically, new recruits also had to prove they were free of physical deformities, and commanding officers were traditionally of noble lineage.)
That is not how the British see the royals. They see them as benefactors. They are very protective of them. It is something that Americans do not really understand.
They are grateful when the royals put on fireworks displays and parades, concerts, etc.