How is it that the people who voted for Trump in 2016 and the republicans on the ballot that got them to 230 in the house re stupid enough not to see that if they don't vote again in 2018 everything will go to shit?
Is this just oppo crap they're pushing on cnn/msnbc/abc/cbs/nbc/every night show as Pelosi goes on Colbert & says they're going to win easy peasy they've got the ground game?
I can see why Q isn't posting - he's w/POTUS who's flying to 2 states per day for the next 6 days doing rallies. Q's probably on top of the illegal caravan invasion force coming on rented buses now and only 900 miles away with 2 more invasion forces right behind it. Then there's Drudge's henchman (Drudge doesn't do it himself anymore on a daily basis - he said in an article he's handed it off to his assistant - also his lover/Drudge is a libertarianGOP for those that don't know his past) but his partner in the conglomeration of links is more left of center. Nobody will call Drudge out for the change that has come over the site though since Trump won but the gayness/anti-Trump shit is showing more and more.