Be glad you have someone willing to fight against that your neighbors to the north already capitulated might need a northern wall eventually depending on how fast Q and friends are at their plan.
Well maybe just Ottawa if #2 kek
richochets are a bitch
Don't forget all the deals and treaties that Canada signed with China in recent years. Pretty much giving them access to all its resources for almost free. US might want to keep an eye on that ;)
Yeah that's already happening thanks to Nestle and friends. Going to be worse with the TPP kicking eventually, i've always hated that thing.
try not paying your taxes see how long you own that home. Also you don't own the mineral rights to your property in most places.
think filesize is 16M
it's now agenda 2030 btw … its up on the UN website.
KEK for the image. IMNHO most of the leadership in Canada (federal and provincial) is comped.
you're the one posting about agenda 21 … so fuck off already
I Agree and hope so
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3:46 PM - 1 Nov 2018
google it, it's late in the day and i dgaf.