Annex Canada.
Annex Canada.
>yes please.
>Why would we want your commie citizens?
>1. liberate Canadá.
There is a tremendous wealth of geography and natural resources.
The plan for the NWO is to bring hundreds of millions of migrants into Canada through backdoor deals.
That means the USA will have to fight a front on both sides.
If Canada was annexed into the US, it could be protected as one sovereign North America.
Having the land mass and all it's natural resources to SHARE, vs. letting it go to the NWO agenda and the lizard queen.
Most Canadians are not commies, they are just blind.
Easily manipulated pacifists.
When they wake up, they will be more aligned with Americans than you know.
If Canucks knew the TRUTH, they would choose to join their southern neighbo[u]rs.
Make beaver great again Q.
>Don't forget all the deals and treaties that Canada signed with China in recent years.
The underwater sub stations off Vancouver are interdasting.
Nothing like spying on your "allies".
Highest ranking Canadian MIL/MILINT comp'd in almost every facet.
Col Williams only the beginning.
This is something I've given great consideration to.
Annexing Canada is a win / win.
In all equations.
>Watch the water
There's more than enough to share.
It would allow a far stronger border, but also redistribute population centers more evenly.
The hardest part would be convincing Canadian normies without seeing something such as mass arrests or proven mass corruption linked to Justin Castro or the Lizard Queen et al.
In Time.
Patience is a Superpower and all…
>KEK for the image. IMNHO most of the leadership in Canada (federal and provincial) is comped.
>I had to leave, all it was, was a real LARP
The Canadian Military cares more about IMAGE than FREEDOM.
The almighty dollar has a way of corrupting one's soul.
Unfair to say that [all] are comp'd.
Most of (((those))) at the top making decisions surely are.
I have a feeling most of the patriots in uniform below the controllers will see the Light when the time is right.
Most Canucks are GOOD people.
They would fight for this, if they KNEW.
Q has created the spark, the Light at the end of the tunnel.
The North just needs to "see".
Some patriots would never sell out.
Freedom is PRICELESS.