TYB, God bless
thought that was known for a long time
A Russian billionaire says that liberal moneyman George Soros is funding Fusion GPS, the Democratic party opposition research firm that funded the Steele Dossier.
Oleg Deripaska, an aluminum magnate, penned an op ed in the Daily Caller that makes the claim. Fox News obtained secret text messages between Senator Mark Warner and a Washington attorney, Adam Waldman, who represents Mr. Deripaska. Warner was reaching out to Deripaska to get in touch with Christopher Steele, the man who wrote the dossier.
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/03/report_soros_money_funding_fusion_gps.html#ixzz5Vet89KBQ
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This is from March
not sure if they are an army, they do work and probably don;t have a lotta time for other activities.
Of course many do, my wife works with lots of them. they are not any kind of army, they are people seeking opportunity. Our immigration laws and welfare laws have been fucked up for a long time. If we made people work, then we wouldn't need the illegals to do their work.
speaking of chocolate
completely agree anon, but our country has fucked over these other countries too.
just a small sample of "communist" legally leaders we have overthrown. For further research look at what we did to Honduras when HRC was Secretary of State.
Its not my scenario, but that is the way it is. We need to cut benefits for able bodied people, so they have to work. Then the demand for cheap illegals should evaporate. Also enforce the laws in the workplace.