Anonymous ID: 25bd0d Nov. 1, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.3694896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4941 >>5403 >>5551 >>5607

The Putin-Nazi-Terrorist-O-Matic


I suppose it was always just a matter of time until the global capitalist ruling classes and their mouthpieces in the corporate media combined their two main official narratives into a Ronco-type 2-in-1 kind of deal. That’s right, folks, your days of switching between the War on Terror official narrative and the Putin-Nazi official narrative are over, because now, for just $19.99, the Putin-Nazi-Terrorist-O-Matic® takes care of all your official narrative needs with just the press of one button!


Here’s how it works.


First, you take your classic mentally-disturbed individual, someone like, say, John Hinkley, Jr., Mark David Chapman, or Travis Bickle, or a total wack job like Cesar Sayoc, and you paint whichever clearly psychotic crimes he’s committed as acts of “terrorism.” Don’t worry about the definition of “terrorism” or how it has become a virtually meaningless label the capitalist ruling classes and corporate media can slap onto anyone. Just keep saying “terrorist,” “terrorism,” and any other lexical derivatives of “terror,” over and over, like some kind of mantra … you know, like the Hare Krishnas do.


Next, you take whatever obsession your disturbed individual is maniacally obsessed with, and you paint that obsession as an “ideology,” or some kind of organized political movement, as if your wack job was actually a rational person and not just a totally paranoid geek who decided to attempt to assassinate Reagan because he couldn’t get a date with Jodie Foster, or to murder John Lennon because God had ordered him to do so in a J. D. Salinger novel.


Now, this works much better if your disturbed individual is actually obsessed with something political, like, say, if he’s a Donald Trump fanatic who has plastered the windows of the van he’s living in with all sorts of blatantly psychotic artwork deifying Donald Trump and demonizing Donald Trump’s political opponents, but you’ll have to work with what your lunatic gives you. In any event, whatever his pathology, you will need to de-pathologize your psycho, so you can misrepresent him as a “domestic terrorist,” and then associate whatever “ideology” you’ve just painted onto him with “terrorism.”


If that sounds a little complicated, don’t worry, folks, it’s really not!

Anonymous ID: 25bd0d Nov. 1, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.3694916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5510

Trump Administration Will Allow Iran to Stay Connected to SWIFT – Reports


The US will reportedly offer major concessions to Iran that could allow the Islamic Republic to ease the pressure from upcoming economic sanctions.


Senior US State Department officials working on the Iran issue are said to have convinced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to permit Iran to remain connected to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) international banking system, Washington Free Beacon reported, citing the sources familiar with the matter.


While US President Donald Trump and senior figures in Congress have pushed for harsher anti-Iranian sanctions, the State and Treasury Departments reportedly caved to pressure from European allies and Iran. Iran will reportedly continue doing business on SWIFT, and the US administration will extend waivers to several countries allowing them to continue purchasing Iranian oil – a concession that was mulled earlier in September, sources said.


The concessions have reportedly sparked outrage among US officials who take a hardline attitude towards Iran, even causing White House National Security Advisor John Bolton to decline to participate in the sanctions rollout on November, 4.


“They're gutting President Trump's maximum pressure campaign,” one senior congressional staffer briefed by administration officials on Iran and SWIFT said. “Administration officials used to tell us it's OK to give Iran concessions on SWIFT because they would force oil exports down to zero," the source said. "Now they're saying it's OK to give concessions on both SWIFT and energy because this is just the beginning of a long campaign."


Another senior congressional aide intimately familiar with the situation told the Free Beacon that Obama-era holdovers in the State Department helped to convince Pompeo to go along with the concessions in order to preserve the possibility of rejoining the JCPOA in the future, “keeping Obama's Iran nuke deal on life support in the hopes of restoring it after Trump.”


The concessions to Iran are said to include oil waivers to China, South Korea, and India, all of which purchase Iranian crude oil. Sources further said that a series of briefings will be held in the next few days to provide details about the new concessions.

Anonymous ID: 25bd0d Nov. 1, 2018, 8:45 p.m. No.3695073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yemeni Government Seeking to Resume Oil Output in Coming Days - Reports


The Yemeni government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi has announced its plans to resume the country's oil production in the coming days amid its continuing military conflict with the rebel Houthi movement, local media reported.


The Saba news agency reported that the announcement had followed the first cabinet session held after the appointment of Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed as the Yemeni prime minister in October.


The Yemeni oil output was suspended due to the violent military conflict rocking the country since 2015.


Yemen's civil war has pitted the government, headed by Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, against the Houthis, an Islamist political movement. The government is backed by the Saudi-led coalition, which has been carrying out airstrikes targeting areas controlled by Houthi militants since March 2015.

Anonymous ID: 25bd0d Nov. 1, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.3695531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi-Led Coalition Reports Striking Missile, Drone Sites at Sanaa Airport


The Saudi-led coalition held air strikes on ballistic missile and drone sites at the international airport of the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, the coalition’s spokesman, Turki Maliki, said on Friday.


"The General Forces Command has launched an operation to destroy ballistic missiles and drones that were launched from the Sanaa airport and the Delmi air base. The coalition struck military targets in the area of the Delmi base in Sanaa and destroyed ballistic missile launch sites and drone stations," Maliki told Al Ekhbariya broadcaster.


Operation of Sanaa International Airport had not been affected by the coalition’s strikes so the schedule of flights of UN officials and humanitarian organizations’ missions remained unchanged, Maliki pointed out.


The Saudi-led coalition has been supporting the Yemeni government in its conflict with the Houthi movement, raging since 2015. The rebels have repeatedly attacked the coalition’s targets in Riyadh and other locations with missiles and drones, prompting response moves by Saudi Arabia and its allies.