Anonymous ID: 5ed3d8 Nov. 1, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.3695521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5620


Hate to burst the bubble but the Masons aren't all bad… Remember how Q put it ;) Should a few bad apples spoil the bunch??


Masons got infiltrated back in the day, but they seem to have been preserving ancient knowledge… Call it a hunch, but I see it in their symbols.., which are right out in the open for anyone to see… Unlike the Saturnists who hide the ancient wisdom from the common folk… We are witnessing a changing of the guard!! Bill Cooper actually talked about the "ancient war" in, I believe in the JFK Jr. episode, which had at least 2 parts, so I'll try to find that in a moment.. Anyway, Bill acted as if he wanted no part of it, however, I heard from other sources that Cooper was a Mason, which would explain him getting to the positions he did.. The more you know…