Halloween is a cosplay dream come true for the Japanese.
LOL I have friends who live on the other side of Yoyogi Park from Shibuya. Weekends in that area are something to see for sure.
i guess he can write all about it from Gitmo, if they allow him to have a sharp pencil in his cell.
I suppose the rest of the Dems live in contested districts and couldn't sign.
To be sure, Mattis replied with a gentlemanly and courteous, "Fuck off."
He turned it upside down to show that the "umbrella" was no longer protecting them.
Or not.
There will have to be a war with the cartels before it is over. Police action will not stop them. Could be part of the plan to send the military to the border so heavily equipped.
Trump has all the trappings of wealth but I think he's really just a regular guy in this respect.
That said, I am sure he picked up on a lot of Hussein's hubris and makes a point of avoiding those optics.
I used to think it amazing how cheaply pols sell out their countries. But then I realize they all become multi-millionaires on a gov salary. Not so cheap after all.
Every time I see the clockfags or just a clock here, I think how sad for Hannity that he jumped the gun and cried tick-tock too soon.
He coulda been somebody.